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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    you may want to check here too:
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Thanks markm75, I'm going to attempt the repair. How did you mange to get the back cover off? I only see three screws at the bottom of the display.
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Hi there, I seem to be having the same issue. Could you please provide me with some more details of how you fixed the monitor? I haven't done electronic repairs like this before, but I want to try, so please forgive me for being a noob. For starts, how did you determine which capacitors were...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Monitor appears to be dying. Today when I turned it on, it turned itself off after 5 seconds and refused to turn back on. I left it unplugged for 20 minutes and now it turns on, but there is a constant buzz even on picture mode. Any ideas how I can self-repair this thing?
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    my monitor just started making some hissing sound when I just turn it on, if I change inputs and cycle back, or if the screen blanks out for a second (like when you login to windows), the hissing stops until I power cycle the monitor. Is it on the decline now? It's been pretty steady for me...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Only thing I can suggest is to contact ATI tech support and escalate the problem several times until you're actually talking to someone with half a brain and realizes that you actually have a REAL issue that can't be solved by reinstalling drivers or following whatever troubleshooting script...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    The solution is to buy a generic DVI-HDMI adapter here: The crap one that ATI/AMD supplies with the card (if they did at all) will output the garbage colours that we are all familiar with. You need the cheapo generic one and you will get a proper...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Hey guys. This problem has existed with ATI cards all the way back to 2007 with my 2600xt. I now have a 5670 and it still has the problem. There is a solution, but it it's not done in software. If your card has a DVI out, buy this adapter for $2.96USD...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    bump for a great monitor that has faithfully and extensively served me for the last 2 years and 1 month!
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    Velociraptors: RAID problems - new firmware

    Also looking for a Dell update, I found this one: Which says it is for: WD800HLFS-75G6U1 DP/N N961M WD1500HLFS-75G6U1 DP/N N962M...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Just installed 196.21 drivers and applied the fix. I'm glad that our fix is still working, although I dread the day when Nvidia will eventually break the fix again. My next card will be ATI because although I have sent in a numerous communications to Nvidia regarding this issue we are all...
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    Props to EVGA

    this is slightly off topic, but Sapphire has really shitty support for RMA. They want me to pay $50 shipping so they can send my card to hong kong for inspection, and they don't even guarantee that they will replace it. $50 shipping? forget it, might as well jsut buy a new card. I won't buy...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    I just had a moment of fear, I turned on my monitor and I was getting noise all over the picture with oscillating horizontal lines from the HDMI connection. I turned the monitor off, and on again and then it was fixed.
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    only issue I've been having is the HDMI acting up, but when I switch to the DSUB connection there is no problem. I'm thinking it is heat related as well, when i pull out the HDMI cable the metal is HOT.
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    unsmooth playback of 1080p blue ray video on hd2600xt

    Anyone know why I might be getting unsmooth playback of a 1080p blue ray video on my hd2600xt? Using powerdvd 8 v1662, vista 32bit sp1. Possibly related, ticking and unticking use ati avivo hardware acceleration does not change the cpu usage of poweredvd, it stays around 38-45% on my core...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    Check here: I used the following game path to get to do 1920x1200, although it is not true 1920x1200: "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200
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    Catalyst 8.3-8.4 Black Level Bug

    3 months? it's been longer than that, as the problem was happening for me since december when I got an HDMI display to test it with. I'm also sure that the problem has been there since the 2600s were released almost 1 year ago...
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    Hey Stimpy88, is your adapter Rev A or Rev B ?
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    Catalyst 8.3-8.4 Black Level Bug

    I have discovered a partial solution for the problem: (fixes the image quality over HDMI, but breks audio over HDMI). In researching the problem, I found others having a curiously similar problem, and the belief was that the ATI dvi-hdmi dongle was outputing Video levels=16-236 instead of PC...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    I have discovered a partial solution for the problem: (fixes the image quality over HDMI, but breks audio over HDMI). In researching the problem, I found others having a curiously similar problem, and the belief was that the ATI dvi-hdmi dongle was outputing Video levels=16-236 instead of PC...
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    I have discovered a partial solution for the problem: (fixes the image quality over HDMI, but breks audio over HDMI). In researching the problem, I found others having a curiously similar problem, and the belief was that the ATI dvi-hdmi dongle was outputing Video levels=16-236 instead of PC...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    I was withing 30 days, so I did it at best buy store level with no problem.
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    I had that issue with one of my monitors for a while, eventually the unit died after maybe 3 weeks of use. I also noticed that the unit was making this electrical static sound intermittently
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    Also Stimpy88, I am using a black dongle with "ATI RADEON GRAPHICS" and "REV A" molded on it. Is yours also a Rev A? I know that Rev B exists and I wonder if it would make a difference.
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    Hey Stimpy88 Someone over on these forums: has reported that the ATI supplied dvi-hdmi dongle is causing him to have the poor image quality over HDMI. When he switches to using a generic dvi-hdmi dongle, the problem...
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    I don't think a new cable is the issue, as the same cable works fine with my Nvidia card.
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    Poor HDMI Image Quality on HD2600XT

    I've run through all the basic troubleshooting with ATI support and they've now told me to come to the forums to find a solution... The problem: Over the HDMI connection: 1) Colours appear washed out, or overly bright. 2) Text is difficult to read/ annoying/ blinding after long use...
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    Just Ordered My Westinghouse L2410NM!!

    I've run through all the basic troubleshooting with ATI support and they've now told me to come to the forums to find a solution... The problem: Over the HDMI connection: 1) Colours appear washed out, or overly bright. 2) Text is difficult to read/ annoying/ blinding after long use...