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  1. J

    OCing an E2180 on a PK5-VM

    Hi, I just built a system using an Asus PK5-VM motherboard and an E2180 cpu. I have a Thermaltake fan and heatsink and 2 case fans in the case. I'm relatively new at overclocking. What can I reasonably expect to push this thing to without better cooling? I'm not looking for anything too...
  2. J

    Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

    Anyone? Beuhler?
  3. J

    P5E-VM DO vs HDMI

    I would also be interested in a comparison of the potential to OC these two boards.
  4. J

    Asus P5E-VM HDMI: best matx ever?

    Hi, I just found this thread, I'm looking into getting this mb. Can anyone enlighten me on the difference between the P5E-VM and the P5E-VM DO? Thanks.