Search results

  1. D

    Firefox & Safari Continue to Suck Even More

    Soo... this is essentially an ad?
  2. D

    q about home router

    I'm looking for a good, relatively cheap home router that can handle about a dozen wireless connections and about 4 regular lan. Any hints? Thanks!
  3. D

    HDD vs. SSD Real World Gaming Performance @ [H]

    Try th test again in MMOs such as EQ2 in the latest zones or Age of Conan. You'll find faster load times and less micro-stuttering from texture loading. Other games such as SWTOR and World of Tanks do not benefit at all.
  4. D

    Xbox One Pre-Order Supply Sold Out

    Even the Wii U "sold out" on pre-orders. It's all marketing. More than likely they had 50 to 100 available total. I remember reading that on the Xbox 360 most of the stores received anywhere from 3-5 total so of course they were "sold out".
  5. D

    Hynix Suspends Operations After Plant Fire

    Not to be rude but ever notice how there is ALWAYS a plant fire this time of the year, every year at the memory makers?
  6. D

    Yahoo User Sues Over Password Leak

    The part of the site he was using was a paid submission area. He was being paid to write articles.
  7. D

    85% of Americans Hate Targeted Political Ads

    And yet 99% of that 85% would vote based on those very ads. They are extremely effective and the reason people really hate this is that it exposes their ignorance of an issue.
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    $7K Fine for Sharing “WordPress For Dummies” on BitTorrent

    Default judgement means he didn't respond to the court. This isn't a precedent setting case due to that.
  9. D

    Anonymous Takes Out and Universal Music

    Fail argument is fail. First off they were not the ones doing the file sharing, the users were. Secondly, under their EULA they made it clear that illegal content would be removed. Thirdly, they offered a DMCA tool for removing content that the IP providers didn't bother to use properly...
  10. D

    How Carrier IQ Was Wrongly Accused of Keylogging

    Still a wiretap as they didn't inform the users in any way, shape, or form that they were doing this.
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    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results

    Google had image search before Bing. Yahoo had it before Google and Webcrawler was the first to have it if I remember right.
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    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results

    Why not use a site like Dogpile then? It'd be much easier. All Dogpile does is act as a search aggregator.
  13. D

    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results

    As a reminder folks: The way search results are presented could possibly be patented. It's a method. If Bing is copying Google exactly (which they are on some results) they could be violating. The only question is how it is done.
  14. D

    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results

    If I wanted results from Google I'd go to Google. The idea behind Bing was that it was going to be a more human and more relevant search engine. You seem to be OK with the idea that they are copying the searches exactly. As for increased traffic... doubt it. Bing is very tiny...
  15. D

    Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results

    There is copying and then there is abusing. Microsoft is abusing it. They are not simply inserting searches in. They are literally copying them by matching even the page ranking. My hunch that this is more a case of Microsoft sending the search query to Google and displaying it to their...
  16. D

    Should the Command Line Be Deep-Sixed?

    Remind me to never allow your computer(s) on my network.
  17. D

    Creative X-fi Code 10

    What's equally sad is that under Ubuntu it has zero problems. You would think with a modern sound card on a modern operating system such issues would not be around.
  18. D

    Creative X-fi Code 10

    Still no go. I, like I said, had already attempting the Add/Remove steps plus I even (on another boot) attempted to uninstall driver (with delete drivers) under Device Manager. So not sure what else can be done now.
  19. D

    Creative X-fi Code 10

    Sadly had already done that as well. I'll see if I can switch the PCI slot after I get out of this one dungeon group.
  20. D

    Creative X-fi Code 10

    I placed a Creative X-fi into the computer and it's popping up with a Code 10 error. I tried updating drivers through Device Manager and it says it has latest driver. I went to Creative site and downloaded latest driver from them but it refuses to install and says latest driver. I tried Safe...
  21. D

    Partition & Drive Recovery

    Active Partition Recovery worked. I had to delete the damaged partition and run a Super Scan then pressed Recover. Worked perfectly. The other programs I'll be noting for further use. Thank you both.
  22. D

    Partition & Drive Recovery

    Someone recommended Active Partition Recovery. Going to give that a go and let you know.
  23. D

    Partition & Drive Recovery

    Definitely not going to work. I need something to recover the file table in place. This is, as I said, the storage drive. There is simply no room on the boot drive to "copy" everything over. That defeats the purpose for me and puts me back at square one. My boot drive is a mere 74g raptor...
  24. D

    Partition & Drive Recovery

    I'll check into it. Right now the drive is showing as a RAW system. Under hex the data is still there. I'd prefer of course just to restore the file table. Can't seem to do it under Linux. I'm assuming due to the changes in NTFS with Vista.
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    Partition & Drive Recovery

    Ok, here's the deal. Second time in two months (two different computers) a drive has become "lost" to a Vista 64 installation. For some reason Vista would freeze on shutdown and still be stuck hours later. You reboot and boom! No drive. Never had this problem under Sabayon nor under XP...