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  1. R

    Aion Beta

    +10, I totally agree. thats why I only played WoW for a week. Unfortuantely, all my guildies quit EQ for WoW.
  2. R

    so what would cause this...

    So, I tried another card and it worked fine. I guess it's time to buy a replacement. grrr.
  3. R

    so what would cause this...

    Just set up this pc. 9800gx2 on a xps 720 MB. First boot, this is what I get. Light code says "other error" I kindaa figured it was the vid card. Just didn't want it to be.tried reseating everything, no change any other ideas? I have a spare vid card at work that I cantry and throw in there just...
  4. R

    so what would cause this...

    so I just put this rig together. power on and... a couple of seconds later, (I assume after posting)... I know someone must have seen this before. any ideas?
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    NVIDIA Dictates Advertised Video Card Pricing

    I just got 2 eVGA 9800 gx2 for $285 each at Newegg. Quad core, here I come! Now to buy the koolance waterblocks...
  6. R

    home theater audio....

    read this: (pay attention to the chart part way down.) Then buy here: good accessories here:
  7. R

    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1. I would die. Then I would replace my desktop mobo that blew out 2 years ago. It would be great to be able to play games again! 2. Phenom.
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    Peltier WC block questions

    bump-a-bump-bump. Anybody?
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    Hate to ask, but: Good flash MP3 player?

    iTunes doesn't require an internet connection. Its kinda confusing, actually. There is iTunes the program that is used to arrange your music collection, and there is iTunes Store which is used to purchase music online. Two seperate things that are linked. Honestly, I miss using Winamp, but...
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    Peltier WC block questions

    I have a Q6600 that needs to be heavily OC'ed. I am looking at two options for a peltier waterblock: Swiftech MCW6500-T or Winsch Labs Arctic Web, if I can find one. My other option is to go totally custom and buy a peltier and a seperate waterblock, which seems less stable. I have a 1KW Dell...
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    New build... Help!

    Bah, sly M$
  12. R

    Weird problem -- requesting assistance!

    Here is the main problem I see. DFI + ATI = eventual headache. Yours appears to have happened later than usual. IMHO never buy DFI, and I am grossly biased against ATI. In actuality, does that board have onboard graphics? see if you have th same problems with the ATI out of the picture. It...
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    Hate to ask, but: Good flash MP3 player?

    I had an iRiver that I lost in my divorce and it was pretty sweet but now I sold out and use an iPod. Actually I use three. One in each of my two cars and one for personal use. I am about to trade up my 80gig to the big 160gig. I never would have thought I would have so much music...:eek:
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    What is the absolute worst piece of hardware you've ever purchased?

    ditto. I was 10 and my parents bought me one of these, my first comp. It booted.... twice. Tech Support was non existent, and I knew nothing about computers. So, it was replaced with a Compaq... which worked for a week or so. Called tech support and we slowly replaced every component over the...
  15. R

    New build... Help!

    this seems kinda basic but what arrangement did you try? according to the manual, it can be in dimm1 and dimm2 or dimm3 and dimm4. If you only tried 1+2, try 3+4. if it works, there's a whole slew of possible reasons why...::confused: