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  1. D


    Thank you, this worked. Ill see how it goes and install f8e as per your almost suggestion :)
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    F8J. Clear CMOS? I guess Ill have to remove my Scyther Mini to get to it. What will clearing the CMOS do thats different to reflashing the BIOS? Ignorant :)
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    Back from death.... :) Hey all, just have a small issue. Lost my settings for some reason in bios the other day when it booted up, so I did the control F1 thing, redid them (I remember exactly how they were) and boots up fine but just loads up stock speeds? It doesnt reboot several times like...
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    4870 melting in a Fusion.

    Well after a bit of complete re-wiring and double checking the fans I have it sorted. I had one of the Noctua 120's sucking air in which seems to have messed the airflow. Card now idles at 46c and peaks at 63c during 1080p Fallout 3 with full everything AA etc. Im a very happy camper for now. It...
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    4870 melting in a Fusion.

    My PSU is a 700 watt Jean Tech Storm, yes I know, it was bought when the original 430 watt died as an emergency buy(molex pin worked its way out of its housing) and I just havent got round to getting rid but saying that its done OK as far as I can tell.
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    4870 melting in a Fusion.

    Yes its not in my oven ;) . Whats a bit annoying is that I have spent a lot on quiet fans, replaced all the stock one With Noctuas and Acoustifans yet I dont think they help as all they are doing is chucking hot air around... I am looking at the new Max Antec case which look like its more...
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    4870 melting in a Fusion.

    Hey all, I really wanted top notch gaming on my HTPC so I figured (perhaps stupidly) that I needed a 4870 and that fitting it in my Antec Fusion case was a nobrainer. Too much heat is generated though. My screen will blink on and off once it gets to 72c or so. Im guessing its overheating, its...
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    Gaming mATX board FINALLY! Hope you 'enjoy'.
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    Gaming mATX board FINALLY!

    Sorry for the absence, i was ill for days with man flu. A friend of mine had the same board twice and I had one too, friend couldnt RMA his second one but they either died (x2) or sound via hdmi was completely screwed, so we thought wed show it some love. Take one FW190HD - How pretty...
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    Gaming mATX board FINALLY!

    Three boards now. All dead. Thursday will be a wonderful day in this thread. Mark my words.
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    Gaming mATX board FINALLY!

    Scratch up another death. Been running for a week or so - mildly overclocked for 1080p files, chip is an e2140 and vista had an update that required a reboot. After reboot, no post. Even tried my 1900xtx in there to see if I could output via that with a HDMI>DVI cable. Nada. My ram is the cheap...