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  1. F

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    a must win!
  2. F

    Just installed 8800gt...

    This thread is a little dead, but yes, i run a 3500+ and a gts 512mb, and i get about 6000-6100 in 3dmark06...i had a ati x800 before that so every game seems to play awesomely, like GoW to give you a more background of my system for comparison... AMD 3500+ 2gigs Corsair XMS Ram PNY 8800 GTS...
  3. F

    PNY 8800gts 512 -- $280 AR + shipping

    Did anyone that ordered this actually get it shipped out? Mine's still waiting on processing... also, anyone have the PDF saved for the rebate?
  4. F

    Newegg / [H]ardOCP AMD Athlon X2 5000+ Black Edition Drawing

    1. I'd take the processor and O/C it past 4 ghz to match the other guy that broke that limit!! 2. Phenom
  5. F

    Strange Power(?) Problem

    I ran some tests and I could connect two of the three fans and have the system boot up, but as soon as i connected the third (the top one), it wouldn't boot up. I tried the top one with the back one, and the bottom fan, and it would never boot up. the back and bottom together would boot up...
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    Strange Power(?) Problem

    Is there a logical reason in that if i test the fans individually (The top fan and the back of the case fan), they work, but as soon as I attach both to the power supply, the system doesn't even boot? I have no idea which fan is bad and so my only option is to send both of them back. I'll do...
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    Strange Power(?) Problem

    I know that if I connect the power supply to two of the fans individually (as in only one of them is hooked up to the PSU at the same time), they spin and the system can boot up, but as soon as I add the other fan in, the system light blinks, but immediately shuts off. (There's a third case fan...
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    Strange Power(?) Problem

    I bought an Antec P180 case back in December of last year, and moved all my components into the case. I had an Enermax 420W powering my AMD 3500+ and various other components (2 HD's, and one DVD-burner, x800 pro, chaintech vnf-250 mb) and ran into an odd problem of if i connected more than one...