Search results

  1. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    they had a bunch of these on the shelves at the southwest houston Frys for $299.00.
  2. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    ive heard of people having problems with the cyberlink software that comes with the drive. Its a little different from the retail version. there is a thread over on avsforums about this drive. they discuss getting patches and what not for the software. Should help with your Transformers...
  3. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    actually there was a rogaine commercial coming on so i changed it to something HD real quick. I knew Conan was on but he had his musical guests playing who ever they were. typing this from my just installed and so far completely bad ass wireless keyboard w/touchpad built in...
  4. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    finally got a new TV stand, looks a little cleaner now:
  5. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    thats what i was thinking, but i figured i was being optomistic
  6. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    on it says "O.H. Quantity = >10." What does "O.H." stand for?
  7. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    just placed an order but compumusic just sent me an email saying theyre shipping the drive to me tomorrow. will cancel compumusic since they were more expensive.
  8. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    [email protected] 8800gt@625/1566/900 = 12704 [email protected] 8800gt@719/1801/1000 = 13904
  9. J


    OK so i got vista-32bit booted with [email protected] and vddr@+0.2. Just started Prime95 and idle temps were 44-48c -Ok so that didnt last but 2 sec, how high can I set vcore safely?
  10. J


    i just finished reading this entire thread to see what i could find for settings for a a q6600 overclock. I told myself i wanted to reach just 9x333 but now I want more. 9x333 is no sweat. I just manually kept the vcore at 1.325 and everyhting else at normal. Using F4a with memory at 667. I dont...
  11. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    once i get a nice TV stand ill be sure to do that, right now its just embarrassing. Here is a screen shot i just took. I have the AS5 but havent applied it yet. Ill do it once my optical comes in.CPU-Z says my "core voltage" is 1.216 and sometimes it flips to 1.232 (its been at 1.216 for a while...
  12. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    Probably because they dont want to be responsible for somehting that hasnt been fully tested. But of course they could still post a disclaimer for "beta" patches and firmwares.
  13. J

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    i bought from compumusic two days ago while they were in stock, but of course that wasnt the case the next day. Im supposedly the first on the waiting list and he said theyd get some in this week by friday. price was like 325.00. im giving him till friday. Wish i had revisited the page before i...
  14. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    ill post some more tomorrow, tell me what you want to see
  15. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    took out the drive because it was hard for me to hook up my IDE with the video card in the way (it was already very tight, plus ill have a sata dual format HD drive soon). another prob with the case is that the PSU is like 2 inches longer than the stock one. this makes the psu very close to the...
  16. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    8800gt is in and windows score jumps to 5.6, will start benchmarking soon
  17. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    nothing is wrong with it, im just not sure how its supposed to function. i installed it, and i was just wondering what i do with the "tabs" surrounding each input. am i supposed to bend those tabs or just leave it the way it is? I bent mine back because i felt like it wasnt going to clear some...
  18. J

    Best thing for me

    nokia n810
  19. J

    Best thing for me

    have you thought about a PDA? The new HP thats coming soon has 4" VGA screen on it. -if there is no wifi you can bluetooth it with your more pocketable phone to get online. that way you dont have to carry a larger...
  20. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    ok, so im going to re do my thermal paste job with arcitc silver 5. -Im going to take out the processor (didnt take out the cpu when i went from stock HSF to Zalman, cleaned the die while still locked down in board) and clean it really well. -Install back into the mobo. -apply a rice...
  21. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    sorry meant to say 8800gt
  22. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    yeah its running fine now. Just waiting for the 8500gt and some arctic silver 5 so i can really start setting this thing up. in the mean time ill study overclocking and the g33-ds2r thread
  23. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    ok so after trying everything else i could think of, i finally went ahead and followed these steps: didnt go so smoothly at first. alot of the the unnecessary drivers i tried to "inject" would make the process hang. so...
  24. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    thanks for the help. I must be an idiot cause i cant seem to find the drivers i need. This is the message it gives me: From what i can find this means my IDE controller, jmicron, ATAPI, SATA controllers. Where can I get these drivers. I DLed this from the Intel website...
  25. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    yeah, i tried that eventhough it needs the driver for the cd/dvd. I dont htink it could get the driver from the dvd when it needs the driver for the dvd drive. im going to try updating the chipset driver, see what that does. oh and i pretty much emptied out the tube of thermal grease that...
  26. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    im annoyed. I cant install vista ulitmate 64. i get this message "A required cd/dvd drive device driver is missing. if you have a driver floppy disk, cd, dvd, or usb flash drive, please insert it now. NOte: If the windows installation media is in the cd/dvd drive, you can safely remove it for...
  27. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    some more pics here. The case is nice, but I thought the fron panel was raw steel or aluminum. Its actually plastic. Il'l probably paint it high gloss black along with my dual format HD optical drive when I get it. The PSU fits fine but its in an awkward position. The cables have to take an...
  28. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    yes i know i need a new tv stand. the one im using is from my 20 year old tv, hah
  29. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    you know its funny, i watched a re-run on Jesse James "Motorcycle Mania" and in it he talks alot about working with copper and how hard it is. Here i am the next day cutting copper. Yeah so i totally butchered my HSF. Ill post some more pics tomorow.
  30. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    ok so the Zalman CNPS9500 is too tall (the case is 140mm including the feet). Looks sweet in there though. I think im just going to cut the fins. Im not a man of patience.
  31. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    hah, i have the scythe mini ninja in the back of my mind since you first mentioned it. Just seeing if there are other options out there. i want the coolest fan I can get. The Zalman CNPS9500 seems short enough according to this is it...
  32. J

    Radeon HD 2900XT VS 8800GTX

    is the 2900xt potentially better? a year later after better drivers have been developed, will the 2900xt be a stronger card than the 8800gtx. i was set on overclocking a (bang for buck?) 2900pro, cant make up my mind now. not a gamer, just want a future proof rig that will handle HD very well.
  33. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    too tall with the fan. the case is 140mm tall. How is the Zalman CNPS9500?
  34. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    havent got into any overclocking yet. I want to wait till i get a better HSF. Prime95 is running now and its CoreTemp is showing 63c (havent seen anything north of 66c yet). I also wanted to start the overclocking once i get a video card. I was set on overclocking the 2900pro past 2900xt speeds...
  35. J

    Asus P5K-VM versus Gigabyte GA-G33M-DS2R memory in 32-bit Windows XP

    just installed ballistix ddr2800 4x1gb on my g33ds2r and windows is showing 3.24gb
  36. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    windows shows i have 3.24 gigs of ram. is this right for 4 x 1gb?
  37. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    its actually on glass thats on carpet. hope thats not any worse. case isnt coming until wednesday
  38. J

    My First Build: help/suggestions

    i hope this isnt scary looking is it ok for the stix to touch like that?