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  1. W

    Rule the Seas

    I know that I can mass mail the gang, you just click on the link next to manage gang crime. Oh, and IM down for the mass mug just let me know when and where. we could find a chatroom somewhere besides the tavern
  2. W

    Rule the Seas

    Theres another way that Ive found that might be useful to find who has money out. Just goto the Pirate Hall of Fame and load the Money list. This will show you the top 50 pirates with the most money out. I find that it refreshes faster then the search tool.
  3. W

    Rule the Seas

    I got hit too, but I was idle on the site so it said I was online. Didn't really affect me beside the letdown of expecting a good event and seeing that in my inbox. On another note, I found a guy that we were messing around with earlier thats 10 lvls higher then me and I can spank him...
  4. W

    Rule the Seas

    All sound like good ideas to me. Im still getting the hang of everything so just tell me what I need to do to benefit the gang and I will. I have been donating 10 pts a day and I just started selling points and banking some serious cash becasue of it even though I wasnt in the IW when I did it...
  5. W

    Rule the Seas

    Well I wasn't thinking about doing it. I have my hands full with just one pirate. I was only thinking of the gang. I find it hard to believe that they would put a cap in the system like that.
  6. W

    Rule the Seas

    Would it be cheating if someone made a new pirate and used him as only overflow for the gangs bank?
  7. W

    Rule the Seas

    Hey guys. I just got into this so Im new starting out. I am in the gang now so let me know if there is anything I should be doing to help the gang out. I dont know that there is just a whole lot since my guy is such a low level.