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  1. S

    Problem hooking up HDMI to TV with HD 5450...

    Only way I made my plasma work was hooking up a screen to the card and then making the changes on the monitor for the plasma...only way I could get it to work.
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    WHS power supply needs

    I am running a Windows Home Server and plan on eventually having as many as 6 or 7drives in it. I have 2 GB of RAM and a non oc"d Intel 2180. My question is what's the lowest watt PS you would think would be good for this system. I have an older 600 watt PS in it right now and an Antec Basic...
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    constant reboot?

    I had a similar problem with loading Win 7 install. The problem was the DVD drive. Changed to a different drive and all went smooth. Win 7 is picky on DVD drives for installing from some notes I've read at different sites. No problem with the drive that didin't work in other systems.
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    Phenom II X4 upgrade

    I have the older 965 and I undervolt it to 1.3 and it runs rock solid at rated 3.4. Much cooler and the extra 400mhz from OC'ing won't make enough difference to run it there due to the voltage bump necessary. I got mine for $140 with a Gigabyte motherboard the day after BF. I can use AMD's...
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    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 1

    Sure could use a nice video card...
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Boy this would be REALLY nice...hope I'm lucky.