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  1. M

    4870 + gigabyte problem

    Here are my specs: q9550 asus 4870 gigabyte x48-ds4 samsung 226bw windows xp pro sp3 So, occasionally when I reboot I get a blank screen right after Windows XP and the copyright on the bottom, it won't load past that, it will just go blank my screen. I installed the driver off...
  2. M

    Need flash programmer/designer

    I run a flash gaming website and I'd be interested in hiring freelancers to build games for me. Or if you have games you already made that are decent I would buy a license for that. I'm also looking at buying traffic if the deal is right, like a banner on a page or something. Contact me if...
  3. M

    I'm looking for flash programmers/developers

    I run a flash gaming website and I'd be interested in hiring freelancers to build games for me. Or if you have games you already made that are decent I would buy a license for that. I'm also looking at buying traffic if the deal is right, like a banner on a page or something. Contact me if...
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    Rule the Seas

    anyone have an email of someone that runs it? I need to ask them something, like an admin or someone who runs the site.
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    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    Hi, ok i'll give you all the details. I am using Media Player, I am trying to watch whatever is playing on media player on my TV since it's bigger. The only resolution that actually puts the entire desktop on my tv is 1024x768, but it's not perfect, like it's a bit stretched, when I see people's...
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    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    Ok, switched to 1680x1050 for regular display, I liked 1280x960. But when I switch to 1360x1024 for my tv, it doesn't display the whole image, i have to scroll up and down to get the full media player, so that resolution wasn't good. The closest i can get to fitting my whole pc screen on my tv...
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    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    Hey guys, my monitor resolution is 1280x960. I have a regular tv, not ws. But the max resolution my card says my tv supports is 1024x768. I'm not really technical about all this but when I play things from my tv to pc, people's heads are a bit stretched. Is there anything I can do to get it so...