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  1. Z

    Thinking About Windows 10 Alternatives

    #6: Windows 10 LTSB Not cheep, and you have to set up a Volume License agreement to get it. But it's win10 without the crap. #7: Windows Sever 2016 Bit less work to get a copy of that LTSB, though dev / student access. Proof how 'close'...
  2. Z

    Silent success

    Yea, Mesh panel + careful amount of cutting and bending. This mesh was thin enough that I was able to cut it with a pair of wire snips. Both of these sites carry a range of patterns in the DIY section.
  3. Z

    Silent success

    I wanted to post the success I’ve had with my first water cooling setup. Big thanks to all of the people on the forums, I spend many an hour sifting through the information that’s here. System Parts: Asus P6T Deluxe Intel i7 EE 965 Evga GTX 285 Evga 8800 GTS 512 (PhysX only)...
  4. Z

    Why Do You Need More Than 6GB of Memory?

    The number you should be looking at is not "Available" but "Free" if you want to know if you're making use your memory. In Win7 if you open the Resource Monitor from Task Manager and go to the memory tab, you can see better graph of current memory allocation.
  5. Z

    FarCry 2 Gameplay Performance @ [H]

    Thanks Impulse that helps, They did mention CPU threading being important in "The Bottom Line" of the article and were going to cover that in a separate article at the Nehalem launch. So for FarCry 2 waiting should flush out the details of CPU requirements.
  6. Z

    FarCry 2 Gameplay Performance @ [H]

    Hello, This discussion on old video cards reminded me of question I have been meaning to ask on your reviews for some time now. CPU. This review covers a range in Video card prices from $500 to $150 but all on a $1000 + overclocking processor. While do understand you want to remove CPU as...
  7. Z

    Top Vista Tweaks and Hints @ [H]

    One small addition to Tweak #9 for those users running Ultimate. Regardless of if you system is powerful enough to run DreamScene you can benefit from installing it. DreamScene includes two addition background scaling option that work for both the Video DreamScene backgrounds and tradition...