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  1. M

    ASUS Announces ROG SWIFT PG278Q Premium Gaming Monitor

    When calling somebody else names, it pays to spell those names correctly. :D
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    Why can't panel manufacturers start making high resolution displays?

    I feel just the opposite, to be honest. LCDs had stagnated for a long time. And then retina displays hit the phone market, followed by very high resolution LCDs for laptops, which is now about to spill over into the desktop market too. I believe we'll see a truckload of 4K desktop monitors...
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    Broadcom Co-Founders Charged in Stock Options Probe

    Because some cases are worse than others. For some companies, it was a simple administrative mistake. A (real life) example of this is the case where options were granted on day n, but the officially recorded day was day n+1. Really stupid and an incredible hassle for the (many) employees who...
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    How NVIDIA made the 9600 GT gain extra performance..secretly

    No, it doesn't... because most people don't have LinkBoost and don't overclock the PCIe bus and they still see a well performing card. I think the source of this is that they tried to cost reduce the PCB by removing the 25MHz crystal and using the divided down PCIe clock instead. This was...
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    NVIDIA Roadmap Outline for 1H08

    In business school they also teach you that an extended product life cycle can conflict with that typical Silicon Valley curiosity called 'Creative Destruction'. Nvidia doesn't only compete with ATI, it also competes with itself: contrary to popular believe, there is a lot of profit in the...
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    BFGTech GeForce 9600 GT OC @ [H]

    There are 3 kinds of compression in a GPU. Texture compression: this is a lossy compression that dramatically reduces the amount of bandwidth required, at the expense of texture quality. Z-compression: instead of having to fetch the Z value from memory for each pixel, you use way to reduce...
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    Nvidia Laser locked GPU's??

    ... because nobody uses lasers to disable blocks on a chip. They do have fuses blown though. Which comes down to the same thing, except that it's waaaaay cheaper to produce.
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    2 LCD Displays at 2560 x 1600

    No, this is not true. Unlike 24" monitors (and lower), 30" monitors don't have a build-in video scaler. The reason for this is that there are no chips on the market that support these kind of resolutions. Monitor manufacturers have to go through a whole bunch of hoops to make it still work, but...