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  1. G

    Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

    The thing is, this Windows install is only a couple of months old and I really haven't added much to it. Would it be possible for bad RAM to be causing this? When I first got this RAM it was giving me random CRC errors when downloading executables but it's not doing that anymore.
  2. G

    Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

    I don't know. I'm not sure that the router even matters because it was giving me those same speeds before I even hooked the router up.
  3. G

    Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

    I think it's Comcast's Speedboost, which doubles the maximum download speed for the first 10 MB of a file. Either that or they're not throttling the connection properly.
  4. G

    Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

    I'm testing my speed with and Curiously, it seems like I have fairly low pings everywhere(lower than my roommate), just horrible download speeds. My upload speed is fine, and usually higher than my download speed which is really strange.
  5. G

    Is my NIC dying? What could this problem possibly be?

    I have a home network set up through a wireless router, with my computer and my roommate's computer both wired directly into the router. My Internet speed is supposed to be around 6000 kbps. My computer gets between 200 - 3000 kbps and my roommate's computer gets around 18000 - 20000 kbps...
  6. G

    Samsung 226BW 22": 3000:1 Contrast, 2ms response time

    I just picked up a 226BW from Best Buy today because it's on sale for $329. From what I've been reading here, I expected to get an A panel but it's an S. Did I luck out?
  7. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    OK, it was the video card... looks like Best Buy definitely sold me a reshrinkwrapped defective card... CURSE YOU BEST BUY!!! :mad: Now I've got a slightly different problem. I'm pretty sure the hard drive is borked(I'd been having problems with it before). I had to run chkdsk to get it to...
  8. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    I'll definitely look at that but the weird thing is that it actually will POST 1 out of 10 times I turn it on. I'm starting to wonder if the case is shorting it out since it dies if I touch any of the ports on the back of the computer. I've always used metal standoffs on my builds but I'll try...
  9. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    I should also point out that the whole reason I'm rebuilding this system in the first place is a power issue -- the system wouldn't turn on at all after a recent power surge. I replaced the PSU, CPU, MB, video card, and RAM so to be having a power issue again is frustrating. Could something...
  10. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    speaker is connected but no error beeps
  11. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    Yeah, I actually got the video card from Best Buy and was thinking about swapping it for another... it didn't come with either a manual or an install CD and that seems suspicious to me. I'm usually good at spotting reshrinkwrapped items but I think they slid one by on me. Returning that is...
  12. G

    Computer shuts off after a few seconds

    I just rebuilt my computer and it's having some weird power issues. When I turn it on, most of the time the fans will spin up and the lights will come on but it won't POST and nothing appears on the monitor. Sometimes I can get it to POST but the machine shuts itself off after 10 - 50 seconds...