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  1. D

    Lost primary display...I think

    Well, here's my sob story: I just received the pieces to hook my computer up to my HDTV (Sony 34XS955) via HDMI and gave it a whirl.... Everything looked pretty good. I saw my extended desktop (with severe undescan) and ran some PBS HD cable stream via VLC from my HDHomeRun tuner (yummy!)...
  2. D

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    @ Mr. Wolf, If you can (at all) find one, try and track down a KD34XS955. I would highly recommend this over the 970 as the latter does not have the Super Fine Pitch grill. I have everything running through it (XBOX 360, HD-DVD, cable and PC) and my extremely nitpicky nature is more than...
  3. D

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    @ crosshairs, sorry to hear about that. I'm sure this is something all owners fear. Let's hope there is an easy fix. If not, may a super-cheap, reliable, non-scratched model come your way!;) I thought I might post a strange issue that recently raised it's ugly head... This morning I...