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  1. P

    Rambus Loses Antitrust Case, Shares Plunge

    Typical troll response, you must work for RAMBUS.
  2. P

    OCZ Agility III; abnormal speeds?

    Thanks for the responses guys. I suppose I begged the question of whether or not my SSD is up to scratch when I started to delve in to recording footage of my PC gaming. When people were talking of their own specs in threads and of up to speeds like 100+mb/s writing, I wondered mine was...
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    OCZ Agility III; abnormal speeds?

    Recently built a new computer, consisting of the following specs. i5 [email protected]; 8gb sniper 1600mhz; ASUS P8Z68 Deluxe. I have a OCZ Agility 3 60gb SSD connected with a SATA3 cable to the intel SATA3 port. I'm currently running Windows 7 64bit. I feel like my SSD is not running up to par...
  4. P

    Neat Video of the Day

    Jelly? I'm going to assume for a moment, that the guy and his friend who made this video, did more than just make a short movie. Seeing the world is priceless, and more exciting than what the average Joe invests his dollar in.
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    X-Raider 7.1 sound distortion.

    You're right, my 2.1's are still on the way :( However, I discovered that the card itself was faulty once taking it over to mates house and trying it on his better setup, even dogbert's cmedia drivers didn't solve the issue if it was perhaps a driver fault. Ended up replacing it with the Bravura...
  6. P

    X-Raider 7.1 sound distortion.

    Has any one experience the same as I might be? I recently bought a Auzen X-Raider 7.1, paired with some logitech 2.1 speakers (Z323). Before, the speakers were currently with the onboard sound on the mobo and since changing to the sound card in question, there is a slight distortion in sound...
  7. P

    Asus vk266h backlighting.

    Hey guys, if you own a VK266h, could you post a picture of your backlight experience with it? I looks to me like the top part of the screen is darker then the bottom half, and there is a noticeable whiteness along the bottom of the monitor. It's quite strange and not sure why it's like that...
  8. P

    Importing an LCD monitor from America to Australia.

    With the current state of the economy in America, it would be cheaper for me to buy a monitor and then import it to Australia, then it is to actually buy it in Australia, originally. My question is, what difficulties will I face with using an LCD monitor bought in America? The power...
  9. P

    PS3 Slams into Bravia TV at 50mph

    It does however make me want to buy a Bravia HDTV, which in return will score me a free PS3 slim.
  10. P

    Astronaut Needed For One Way Flight

    Jupiter stills makes enough radiation to kill you, even if you're on Saturn.
  11. P

    Technology Eliminates Training Wheels on Bikes

    I'm not sure about the dismay being displayed in this thread for creative new ideas? It's certain that they didn't bring up any faults or flaws with the concept; however, I didn't see any evidence of it being put forward as a flawless invention set to change the world as we know it. It's ideas...
  12. P

    PS3 Sales Jump After Price Cut, Slim Introduction

    Try to not overlook the good odd hundred quality games on the PS3, please.
  13. P

    Portable amp for a pair of AKG K 601

    This has me worried as I was looking closely at the P-51 Mustang for my choice; whether or not it could power my 601's is a question to be asked though. Thanks for all the answers though guys, I'm paying very close attention to this thread.
  14. P

    Portable amp for a pair of AKG K 601

    So I've purchased a pair of AKG K 601, which haven't arrived yet. But I've heard what difference an amp can make on a pair of headphones connected to an ipod. I think I should make that investment; however, the amp I experience, was built into a small eclipse mints container. What? I didn't...
  15. P

    US$600 speaker recommendation?

    I was eyeing a pair of these speakers; It seems they have built in amps, is it correct to say they can power themselves? What about the addition of a sub-woofer suitable for my 6meter x 6meter room--does that require more than just a wire...
  16. P

    US$600 speaker recommendation?

    To be quite honest--I don't know. I don't own an amp, but I have seen alot of people with amps; they're required for better quality sound? If necessary, I can always put a bit more money away for a month or two and purchase an amp. I'd be willing to do that if it works out in the long run.
  17. P

    US$600 speaker recommendation?

    I've saved up around 600 US dollars equivalent (I live in AUS) to get a good experience as far as speakers go for my computer and room, it's a modestly sized room. I play games quite a bit, but it's mainly the movies and music that occupies my current speakers time. Right now I'm using the...
  18. P

    Age of Conan - The most massive Failure I've ever participated in...

    I've played WoW for four years almost now. All quests are working and if I remember correctly, any quest that wasn't working, is fixed. Balance issues for the expansion; I play beta, obviously it is still in testing and it's going quite well so far apart from Death Knight's being a little...
  19. P

    Rambus Wins Battles, Faces Bigger War

    I don't think you understand too well. It's not about competition, and the memory industry has plenty of competition.
  20. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Obvious troll, is obvious.
  21. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Even with such poor examples, I still cannot understand the core point or threat a majority of you feel. Taking a shit is taking a shit, having sex is having sex, driving a car is driving a car. Try not to play semantics. All I have gathered is, fear of information being used in a...
  22. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    It's not the equivalent of Batman's sonar. It cannot record audio or video, rest assured.
  23. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    You've made it clear that this offends you, but what logical explanation is there behind why it is so offensive? Is it perhaps the higher ups don't trust you and you feel like big brother is watching you? If that's the case, why don't you perhaps do the right thing, turn around and tell Big...
  24. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    It is this invasion of privacy that I can not understand. Could you perhaps shed some light from your perspective on the subject? I propose that it's a ridiculous notion, what private information can they obtain of you? That perhaps you are 55, own three children, earn 78k per annual, your CC...
  25. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    ..and at the middle of the night more especially, where vision is limited. This should be common sense? Why are you lacking this, for goodness sake.
  26. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Yes. I will say it bluntly, you're an idiot. Speed limits exist for a reason, for the small percentage of something out of the norm occuring, causing you to brake suddenly and spin/flip/fly off the road. You may not care about what happens to your own life, but others do, someone has to pull...
  27. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Unfortunately there are those that think it is 'cool' to be invulnerable and heel-toe around corners on public streets. If this is the intention of the 'black box' ultimately in the R-35, then that won't effect those crashing into walls on a race track. That's the only legal place you can go...
  28. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Forgive me for being a little naive on the details; driving 60 is a good way to get yourself killed? Is this on a freeway of some sort?
  29. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    I'm not too sure of the internals of most skylines, but apart from the ECU and few other computers inside the car, the black box could also be used for tuning on the track? Might be something interesting to look up while having a cup of tea and some biscuits. :P
  30. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    I might have confused myself there. ;)
  31. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    Also this invasion of privacy, is also in my opinion, a load of shit. What privacy is there to invade? Where you live? That's okay, I saw a R35 parked in a driveway, must be your house. I'll steal your car tomorrow early when I wake up and eat my weet-bix. Added cost? It's a premium car at...
  32. P

    Regular Cars Getting Black Boxes?

    As a man who is personally a car enthusiast and frequents the track with a classic. I must say, I wouldn't have a problem with a black box strapped to my car. What's it going to do apart from the obvious? Steal my credit card details? If I happen to crash the car in the future on a public...
  33. P

    The Vertical Bed

    Good job Watson, quickly! To the Bat-Mobile so we can stop Dr. Evil.
  34. P

    IDE Out - 4870X2 and Blu-ray In

    I think this is the start of video reviews on HardOCP. ;) Aye aye!
  35. P

    Labels, Game Developers Feud Over Fees

    I genuinely concur; on another perspective, if the music industry backs off due to the game industry not faltering to their demands, this could potentially mean more jobs for composers for required music? I could be thinking about it in the wrong perspective though.
  36. P

    Labels, Game Developers Feud Over Fees

    Quite sad to hear about this, the music industry shouldn't even hold a candle to the freaking game development industry about this. Not with their track history at the very least, just another CEO squeezing another cent out.
  37. P

    Just ordered a GTX280!

    When I read this, I realised just how much you don't know. Old GPU chipset? Please, do go on.
  38. P

    Clearly 4870X2 > GTX280 for less $$$

    What would you spend your money on then? Horde it all into a bath and bask in the glory of it against your skin. What flawed logic, money is earned to be spent. The end.
  39. P

    GeForce GTX 280 = Yawn.....Welcome to the Summer Refresh

    You're such an ignorant fool.
  40. P

    BFG Tech GeForce GTX 280 OC & GTX 260

    Your entire post is completely moot with just a simple answer; niche market.