Search results

  1. L

    Cooler Master Cosmos II Ultra Tower

    I never thought I would retire my CM Stacker, but this baby had the features to do it. I do wish it had one more 5.25" bay or a standard 3.5", but otherwise it's perfect. Great ventilation, great cable routing options. Did make me go looking for an add-in card to use the USB 3.0 ports in...
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    First 4G LTE Windows Phones Hit Stores

    I tried a WinMo7 phone last year, hated it sooo much I bought an Android phone Out of Contract. I did like the old WinMo OS's, just found that (WTF) Android synced better with Outlook than WinMo7
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    Anyone know when Kepler support will be working?

    Part of the problem might be that the client is still reading the 680 as a 560 (GPU:0::GF114 [GEForce GTX 680]) I'm debating pulling the 560Ti out of the case, just to see if it's mucking up the 680's numbers. Plus I'm tired of my UPS bitching because I'm drawing over 600 watts! :-)
  4. L

    Anyone know when Kepler support will be working?

    Yup, just tweaked the v7 controls to allow the 680 to fold. Wipe the data in the work/# folder first, then in the configure/slots page, select your 680, go to "Extra Slots Options", add a new key, Name "client-type", value "beta". Oh, and add the gpus.txt file from...
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    Futuristic Motorcycle Concepts

    The problem with the Tomahawk is that it's not street legal. Dumbass DOT classifies it as a car since it has four tires, so it cannot pass car safety tests. Duh.
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    Amazon Running A Sweat Shop?

    I'd love to see some of those "poor" people try to work in a greenhouse down in south Florida, temps in the 120 degree range surrounded by soaking wet plants. Drink plenty of water/Gatorade and you're going to be fine. Drink soda and you're fsked. Go out after work and drink alcohol, and...
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    AT&T Admits Network Can't Handle iPhone, iPad

    Heck, I've been using AT&T since they were Cingular and finally got sick of the dropped calls a couple weeks ago. Went to Verizon for better call quality and $60 less a month for an unlimited data plan. Still waiting for a 4G signal at my house from Verizon, but I'd rather have a slower 3G...
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    Google Is Why You're Not Getting Hired

    LOL, I share my name with a Treasury Secretary (not the current one) so there's over 900k hits on my name. Good luck finding me in that mess, I've never been able to.
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    i7 920 C0 vs i7 950 at 3.61ghz on overclock temp wise?

    Well, I just threw a system together yesterday with a 950 clocked up to 3.2 with a Coolermaster N520 and am getting temps around 80C myself right now with SMP F@H, but then again the room I'm in is about 85F. Thinking about getting a new radiator and going back to watercooling, it's a hell of a...
  10. L

    For The [H]orde" Boxen giveaway 2.0" Signup Thread

    Just updated the system, gotta throw the old stuff in a case for more boxen
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    Government Seizes BitTorrent Search Engine Domain

    Actually, this is covered under the Fourth Amendment; "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation...
  12. L

    World of Warcraft Player Swallows Authenticator

    Yeah, back when my wife and I were still playing, she got hacked while we were both logged in. She got booted out of the game and her bankertoon logged in. Changed her password and ordered authenticators within 5 minutes. Had the GM hacked and they sold everything in the guild bank and then...
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    New Windows Phone Ad

    It's Hall of the Mountain King, by Grieg
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    Speeder Buys Police Departments Expired Domain

    As proof it's a revenue generator, not a safety issue, the city I live next to installed these cameras at 6 intersections, and after 3 months or so it was noticed that NO city vehicles or police cars had been caught. A local television crew was filming at one of the intersections doing a "isn't...
  15. L

    Arrest Puts Focus on Protesters’ Texting

    Well, I'm not sure about New York City, but up in Mass it's illegal to have a police scanner, that might be part of it. Also last I checked, helping someone evade arrest is also illegal. Accessory after the fact or some such?
  16. L

    Victim Uses GPS To Track Robbers

    Yeah, one time some dumbass called my house and LEFT A MESSAGE ON MY ANSWERING MACHINE saying "Tell your husband to leave my wife alone or I'll blow his head off." My wife was somewhat upset at this message, not because she thought I was cheating, but because she didn't know who this moron was...
  17. L

    Murdoch to Media: You Dug Yourself a Huge Hole

    You must have had a better local paper than I did, before they were bought by a conglomerate. Biased reporting, not to mention /lack/ of reporting. I had 4 car police chases blow past me that didn't make the local paper but did the paper from the next town over (which is part of the...
  18. L

    Tentative Deal Reached To Approve XM-Sirius Merger

    I've been listening to Sirius for better than 3 years now, but I know that they've been losing money all along. If by merging with XM they can stay afloat, that's a good thing. Will they have to raise prices a bit afterwards, hopefully not, with streamlined costs. But if so, it would...
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    BFGTech BFGR1000WPSU Review @ [H]

    I think it would be helpful if you could have some type of decible levels for the units. I know that it would be harder to do since you're already adding noise pollution with the incubator, but perhaps doing an 80% load or something outside the incubator would at least give a ballpark framework...
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    Hot Raptor Deal (74 gig for $119!)

    His was the double actually! :-) Beat him by half an hour
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    Hot Raptor Deal (74 gig for $119!)

    I don't know if this is chain-wide, but I just left a Best Buy in Lakeland Florida with two 74 gig 16mb cache Raptors for $119 each. The sign on the shelf said "Closeout deal" so YMMV. They only had the two, otherwise I would have a nice RAID5 setup now instead of the RAID0 The BestBuy...
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    What LCD can replace my 21" Trinitron?

    I have a five or six year old 21" Sony Trinitron that I'm looking to replace for something a bit more energy efficient and that also puts out a bit less heat. I normally run at 1600x1200, and occasionally put my old 17" Trinitron next to it at 1280x1024 for more real estate. I've always...