Search results

  1. H

    The "Sandia Cooler" - fanless spinning heatsink

    Its been a few months and I want one of these in my Xmas stocking. Anyone know the latest
  2. H

    perl.. quick sanity check..

    Ah.. thats the stuff.. I didn't question the -n option! I've got it in a while loop and its working happily now.. thanks!
  3. H

    perl.. quick sanity check..

    I've got a one-liner in perl that works at the command line, but doesn't work within my script.. from the command line... $perl -ne 'print if /Begin of text select/ .. /End of text select/' input.txt > output.txt #within the script.. $content =~ /Begin of text select/ .. /End of...
  4. H

    Is this review article right..?

    An old benchmark between the Core2 and FX-62.. The article starts off by saying how alot of benchmark sites lie about results and how unrealistic it is that gamers play games at 800x600, etc, etc.. Thats all fine...