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  1. D

    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

    I'll throw my hat in the ring
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    750GB IDE drives for RAID - what controller card can I use?

    I'm right there with ya. My current backup of COMPRESSED data is just under 900GB. I did one backup....and do ya blame me? That, at least, gives me a quasi-safe feeling of peace of mind. Do you know how long it takes to back up to about 200 DVD's?!? It is absolutely insane. And the...
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    750GB IDE drives for RAID - what controller card can I use?

    Thanks for the extra information. I was starting to think that I should probably just assume that anything that has 48 bit addressing is going to be fine but you never know. As far as the RAID-5 is concerned, I looked at it a little bit but the hardware in my house tends to be very liquid...
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    750GB IDE drives for RAID - what controller card can I use?

    Thanks... I had already looked up the drive compatiblity at the 3ware site (I also visited Promise) and they don't list any large drives on their lists. I'm concerned that there may not actually be any cards out there that support 750GB hard drives.
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    750GB IDE drives for RAID - what controller card can I use?

    I think I have done a bonehead move. I had two 400GB hard drives (IDE) and one 750GB hard drive (also IDE). I decided I wanted to take my old AMD 3200+ box and turn it into a simple mirrored storage box. So, I bought two more 750GB IDE drives and (I still need to get one more). The plan is...
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    should i keep or return my ppu

    That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that.
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    should i keep or return my ppu

    My first post: Mine's going back if they'll take was an anniversary gift. Two hours after getting it, the sticker fell off the fan, got in with the blades, and brought it to a very abrubt stop (lots of screeching and smoke smell... and that's just from me!). At first the fan wouldn't...