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  1. F

    GA-P35-DS3R or GA-P35C-DS3R or ABIT IP35 Pro ???

    P35C-DS3R: ddr2 & ddr3, no firewire P35-DS3R: ddr2 only, no firewire P35-DS3P: ddr2 only, Firewire
  2. F

    FS : Computer Stuff

    U have Heat?
  3. F

    HTPC on a projection tv

    Any input, suggestions, comments are appreciated. I just got a passively cooled EVGA 7600 GS, bluegears soundcard, and i'm about to buy the Hauppauge WinTv Pvr-500 Mce 2 Tuner Pci (White Box) from Mwave for $130. For the time being, i was gonna use the rig in my sig to try different...
  4. F

    Refubed 74gb Raptors - $105

    Seems like it's all sold out.
  5. F

    Question about StressPrime 2004

    hmm... i clicked on it twice, so 2 boxes pop up, and i customized each one. Is that the wrong way? Ok, i have 2 gb so i'll put 800mb in each.
  6. F

    Question about StressPrime 2004

    Thanks for the detailed reply, GML It's dual core, opty 165. Also the last option in custom test... "Time to run each FFT size (in minutes)" ...should i leave it at 15 minutes?
  7. F

    Question about StressPrime 2004

    I was wondering ... Am i supposed to check or uncheck the No Affinity box in StressPrime 2004? Also what is no affinity mean? TIA
  8. F

    Whats the best PSU for a Dual Core system.

    I know ur asking about power supplies, but noticed in ur wishlist DDR ram. :eek: U need DDR2 if ur going w/Intel. :p