Search results

  1. O

    Looking for an mp3 player other then ipod

    I would join in with the recommendation for the Cowon D2. (After all, it's "invincible". lol) It is a touchscreen, which takes a little getting used to, but the battery life is amazing (Cowon claims 50+ hours), the sound quality is good, and with the price of SDHC cards falling rapidly...
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    Average age of your fellow GAMERS

    Yeah, I knew going into it that the [H] would have slightly older users. I've been surprised by how young a lot of PC gamers are now, though, what with the relatively recent global domination by World of Warcraft and clones. I have a younger brother who started playing HL2 when he was like...
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    the untimely demise of 2D

    Speaking of Bionic Commando...Bionic Commando Rearmed looks like it could be cool, although it's still not technically 2D.
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    Average age of your fellow GAMERS

    Figures you'd have a bell-curve around the NES generation, I guess. :)
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    the untimely demise of 2D

    Yeah, I was actually just looking at that over at gametunnel. Depending on how refined the controls are, it could be fun. Some others have come out recently too (see Gish, Ultra Assault) but those have all been independent releases that haven't exactly garnered infamy in the general gaming...
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    the untimely demise of 2D

    So this is kinda just another nostalgic rant, but I was thinking the other day about all of the great 2D games I remember from my childhood, and how nowadays everything comes wrapped up in fancy 3D packaging whether it's good or not. Don't get me wrong, I love me some good 3D games too, but...
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    Average age of your fellow GAMERS

    Curious about how old your fellow GAMERS are? Then take the poll! (But only if you actively consider yourself a GAMER. Any non-GAMERS, or people not involved in GENERAL GAMING, please disregard this poll.) I would just like to emphasize once again that this poll is intended solely for...
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    Portal crashing on launch

    I'm having the same damned issue, except mine isn't fixed by either -windowed, -nosound, -dxlevelxx, or -dev !!! SteamPowered forums aren't up right now, and I'm a loss for what to do. Go figure that the one time I immediately buy a game when it comes out, it doesn't work. Anyone have any...
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    Creative Zen SD integration tomfoolery

    Is Cowon going to offer you any kind of replacement? Under warranty or anything? I'm seriously considering cancelling my Zen order and getting a new 8GB D2, but I didn't have a lot of faith in the touch-screen to begin with, and your situation only serves to further my concerns...
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    Finally time to buy a Zune?

    I love how people constantly argue about how much storage is enough and how much is too much. When will everyone learn that the trend of larger storage space will NEVER stop? Each year, HDDs will get bigger, and the standard will go up. 5 years ago, the standard quality for mp3s online was...
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    MP3 Player Options?

    Another vote for iRiver; the H120 kicked so much ass. Until I dropped it from 4ft onto concrete. :( They don't sell the H120 new anymore, but most stuff from iRiver is quality. I just wish they offered a larger solid-state player currently.
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    Creative Zen SD integration tomfoolery

    Couldn't find a thread about the Creative Zen here, so I thought I'd start one. I've pre-ordered the 16GB model from Amazon, but have since discovered the lack of SD memory integration into the music library on the player and find myself mentally backpeddling. There's a bunch of discomfiture...
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    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    I've just bought an m-audio card from some guy online, so hopefully it'll work better for recording than the Creative P.O.S. I'll just use the X-Fi when Crysis comes out. :)
  14. O

    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    Yeah, pretty sure it's the card, unfortunately. Even with nothing plugged into the bay, if I monitor the line-in through Cakewalk I get all kinds of crazy noises and pops. Damned Creative!
  15. O

    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    Thanks for the additional comments, and to address Donnie27: Yeah, I didn't use to have the background noise either, which is why I'm doubtful it's the motherboard. However, it's good advice anyway.
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    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    Anyone else have any suggestions?
  17. O

    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    Yeah, I've actually done a fair bit of recording over the last couple of years, and some of it has turned out great. I just bought the X-Fi 'cause I heard good things, but not particularly for recording. I think the level of recording I'm trying to do is really going to outdo my budget no matter...
  18. O

    X-Fi Platinum line-in recording background noise/buzz

    I've written to Creative about this but so far, no response: I'm using the 1/4in jack on the front panel of the X-Fi to record both acoustic guitar and voice (from phantom-powered condenser mic) as well as electric guitar (fed first through a Marshall amp) but I'm getting a huge amount of...
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    X-Fi Platinum input monitoring help!

    So I've got the X-Fi Platinum w/ front inputs, and I'm trying to do some multi-track recording in Cakewalk Sonar 5. Problem is, the X-Fi seems to be constantly piping whatever the microphone is picking up through the speakers, regardless of whether I'm trying to record or not. This causes all...
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    OEM XP key w/ new XP install

    So I've got this old OEM version of Windows XP that I used on my old computer. I've recently bought a new version of XP (w/ embedded SP2), and what I want to do is use the new XP on both of my computers. Problem is, the old CD key from the OEM version doesn't work on the new version of XP...
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    Vista Nvidia Drivers

    Yeah, I second the 96.33 motion. Those work fine for my 7600GT with RC2, whereas the 96.85 were giving me grief with Oblivion. The Nvidia Control Panel still seems suspiciously sparse, however; anyone know if that can be fixed?
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    P5B Deluxe woes

    Yeah, I tried a buddy's RAM from his crappy (but new!) Dell. Still the same, and I've also (of course) tried using both, and one each of the RAM sticks at a time.
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    P5B Deluxe woes

    Setup: ASUS P5B Deluxe Intel Conroe E6600 Core 2 Duo 2GB Corsair XMS2 Twin2X DDR2 800 eVGA GeForce 7600 GT Antec SmartPower 2.0 500W 2 320GB Seagate Barracudas (SATA II) Holy moly, I've been through hell with this board. Maybe it's due to my own stupidity, but here's the deal: bought...
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    P5B Deluxe no worky

    Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I ended up sending it to Kentucky for ASUS to work on, so we'll see when it gets back here (hopefully next week!) and I'll post a follow-up if it's working, or if it isn't. Again, my thanks, and if it's still broken I'll try some of the suggestions from...
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    P5B Deluxe no worky

    The rig: P5B Deluxe Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2 gig Corsair XMS2 Twin2X DDR2 800 2 SATA II Seagate 320 Antec SmartPower 2.0 500W PSU EVGA GeForce 7600GT Misc. other crap (not connected at the moment) So this is driving me crazy. I bought the board and everything, set it up, and it didn't...
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    ASUS P5B w/ DDR2 800 no signal ---> help!

    To answer the above post: yeah, I've got the 4-pin connected correctly. :( Just tried a bench-build of the system; mobo and all the components completely out of the case (buddy of mine thought it might be a short from mobo case plate) and it still doesn't work. It's looking more and more like...
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    ASUS P5B w/ DDR2 800 no signal ---> help!

    When I power up, I get a no-signal message on the monitor! Setup: ASUS P5B Deluxe Intel C2D E6600 Conroe 2.4GHz LGA 775 Corsair XMS2 2GB DDR2 800 EVGA 7600 GT-KO 256MB PCI-E Seagate Barracuda 320GB SATA II HDD Viewsonic P220f Professional Series CRT 21" I just built this sucker...
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    crazy screen distortion (retrograde!)!!!

    Lowered the refresh rate on your recommendation, masher. Down to 60Hz, then I ran Sonic fullscreen. It does reduce the distortion (the centerline is gone, and there is no more retrograde business) but the whole screen's still pincushioned inwards (hourglass-esque) which essentially makes the...
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    crazy screen distortion (retrograde!)!!!

    But it seems to me that, because it works fine with a smaller monitor and because my monitor doesn't have any problems running stuff at higher resolutions, that it's probably a monitor incompatibility with the lower resolution. That's what it seems like to me, anyway.
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    crazy screen distortion (retrograde!)!!!

    Yeah, it looks like it is the monitor. I switched to a 17in NEC, which must support a 640x480 resolution, and it plays fine. Ideally, I would find another 21in and use that, but I don't have access to one at the moment. So it looks like I'm stuck not playing those nostalgic games until I find...
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    crazy screen distortion (retrograde!)!!!

    That was a solid suggestion. When I run the game full-screen and it distorts, the capture shows a very small image of the game with extremely distorted colors/graphics. Reminds me of the artifacts that used to pop up on the original NES if you hadn't properly blown your cartridge. :) Anyway...
  32. O

    crazy screen distortion (retrograde!)!!!

    My monitor flips out sometimes. At least, I think it's the monitor. Maybe it's the video card. At this point, I'm out of ideas. The problem occurs when I load certain game titles (usually 2D, as far as I can tell) and sometimes when Firefox or IE attempt to open videos in-window. It seems to...