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  1. R

    Excel Add Ins from .NET Application

    I have an Excel add-in written by a third party. I have no control of the code. The add in creates a function typed in a cell like a formula, like =AAA(arg1, arg2). The function populates data downloaded over the internet based on arguments provided to it. I wrote a quick app with .net that...
  2. R

    Outlook overwriting Shortcuts on open

    I wrote a Windows Service that parses the %APPDATA%\Micorsoft\Outlook\*.xml file(s) and checks it to ensure certain shortcuts are there. So if a user "accidentally" deletes a shortcut, it will re-appear next time that Outlook is opened (since Outlook only read the file when it opens). It works...
  3. R

    Managing Network Shares with .NET 2.0

    I can't find the Class or Namespace that allows you to manage network shares from .net 2.0 applications. I would like to see what shares are currently on the computer and also create new ones. Does anyone know how to do this? I thought this would be a quick google solution, but I can't seem to...
  4. R

    VB.NET String Manipulation, possibly regex

    Thanks, that makes perfect sense. I don't know why I didn't think of that. I think it just takes an outside set of eyes sometimes. I got my head into reg exp, then didn't see an easy alternative. Thanks a lot.
  5. R

    VB.NET String Manipulation, possibly regex

    I am using 3rd party software that monitors multiple computer's event logs and stores the information in a db. I don't have any control over how that data is stored. I'm trying to get the data out of the database and build a summary page. Actually, that is all done. I'm just not sure how to find...
  6. R

    VB.NET String Manipulation, possibly regex

    I writing a program in that gets data from a database generated by another program. I get the data into the string just fine. Inside the string, there are a couple urls. I'm wanting to search the string and insert html link tags (<a href=""></a>) before and after the url. I haven't been...
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    Will this work?

    Also, I know the Linksys routers have 3rd party firmware that lets you up the power rating. I'm pretty sure that voids your warranty though. If you're willing to scrap the warranty you might look into that. I'm also not sure if the FCC approves, so you might want to look into that too. Just...
  8. R

    PXE Boot to install Windows

    Actually I have a Win2003 server. The problem is this is a large enterprise environment. I do admin for a small department in a hospital. I have a DC admin account, but not one with enough privledge to change anything in the dhcp server. That is the problem I ran into with RIS. I guess I could...
  9. R

    Networking issue - IP conflicts...

    A few easy checks to eliminate hardware failure: swap NICs with a known good use a known good cable (one from the machines not causeing a problem) try different port on the switch
  10. R

    PXE Boot to install Windows

    I set up an unattended WindowsXP installation CD that has SP's and updated all integrated. It also installs Office and other basic every-computer apps. It works perfect. Now what I would like to do is put that CD on a server and have clients boot via PXE and run the installer. So far, I have...
  11. R

    Create your own server

    If you want to use RedHat, use Fedora. RedHat split a while back. The only thing they make under the RedHat name is RedHat Enterprise Linux. Fedora is there personal side; it is what you are looking for. Fedora Core 4 is the latest. If you use Fedora, don't forget to run yum or up2date after...
  12. R

    Different Styles on Single line CSS and XHTML-strict

    Even more thanks. That is more what I was looking for. It seems better to use <span> to underline instead of overriding <em>. Using <em> did work though, but it seems like better style to use <span> Thanks for the display:block and display:inline. I didn't know what those did really, even...
  13. R

    Different Styles on Single line CSS and XHTML-strict

    Thanks, for some reason I didn't think <strong> and <em> were in the strict DTD.
  14. R

    Different Styles on Single line CSS and XHTML-strict

    I'm trying to use strict XHTML and CSS to build a website. I need to have text that is bold, underlined, and normal in the same line. In old html I would have done it like this: <b>Some Bold Text</b>&nbsp;<u>Some Underlined Text</u>&nbsp;Some Regular Text I created a CSS class that bold's...
  15. R

    Java: Inheritance, Extending, and Composition Problem

    Thanks for the help for the couple that helped. I didn't mean to start a java's worth argument. tim_m, I just wanted to point out that extending a class is less of an object oriented way to do something than using composition. It may be more of a Java way, but I think it is less of a pure...
  16. R

    Java: Inheritance, Extending, and Composition Problem

    That is what I was thinking. I just wasn't sure on how to use extends I guess. I finished it up pretty quick this morning. I think I was just up to late. Thanks for the help.
  17. R

    Java: Inheritance, Extending, and Composition Problem

    I have an assignment that I'm supposed to eliminate "extends" from the code and find another way to do it. The code given has a mammal class that is extented by a herbivor and a carnivor class. The herbivor is extended by a cow and the carnivor is extended by a cat. At each level there is a...
  18. R

    DB Table Design Suggestions Needed

    I didn't give the software a single unique attribute, but I guess I could. I think that will be the best solution. Thanks, this will be less complicated that what I was thinking.
  19. R

    DB Table Design Suggestions Needed

    I'm working on a database and need some suggestions. It is a computer inventory. There is a computer table, with an entry for each computer, and a software table, with an entry for each piece of software. Both of these tables change very frequently. Any ideas how I would link them to show...
  20. R

    Java noob: Program runs in NetBeans, but not from shell.

    I was. I think it is because I was trying to execute the class files from within the directory that contained them, but I had a package statement that pointed to a directory up. I just took out the package statement and it worked.
  21. R

    Java noob: Program runs in NetBeans, but not from shell.

    I think I got it for now. It had to do with the package line in my code. I don't really understand packages yet, but I'll google that later. I was trying to compile and run from inside the package directory. I just commented out the package line and decided I would worry about it later...
  22. R

    Java noob: Program runs in NetBeans, but not from shell.

    I set the CLASSPATH to ., but I figured out I typed one letter wrong. Then just kept using the command history every time I tried it. Stupid command history without magic spell check. Now, I get about the same error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Assignment1...
  23. R

    Java noob: Program runs in NetBeans, but not from shell.

    I'm very new to Java, but a seasoned C programmer. I wrote very simple multi-threaded client-server chat program. It works perfectly once in NetBeans, but after the server makes a new thread to interact with the client, the parent thread quits listening. I figured this was a problem that would...
  24. R

    VBscript and DOS Batch scripting

    I could be way off, but can't you do everything you need to do in the .vbs. I've done a little VB programming, a little batch "programming," and a lot of C programming and I can't think of anything I can do in batch that I couldn't do in C, albeit with a lot more work. So I assume you could get...
  25. R

    need some help (C++)

    Try this: cin >> temp; while (!cin.eof() ) { words.push_back(temp); cin >> temp; }
  26. R

    Networking DSL

    Yes, it will do everything you need....which is basically NAT and a switch.
  27. R

    Networking DSL

    First of all, I would get a seperate router....but then again, I also like to do things the challenging way. In troubleshooting this, my first place to start would be the IP addresses on each NIC. Your parents should be 192.168.x.x, as should the one in your computer hooked up to the hub. The...
  28. R

    Sending e-mail from C program

    I saw that while searching around. They just give you dll's which would work fine if they included the source so you didn't have to use it on Windows. Plus, it isn't free. I hate to pay that much when I can do it myself. I found this while searching as well, It open...
  29. R

    Sending e-mail from C program

    Thanks for the input. I was thinking more along the lines of opening a socket manually, then having some functions that used smtp directly. Like a mail structure you filled in with to, from, data, etc. and then a send() function that put that structure in SMTP format and transmits it to the...
  30. R

    Sending e-mail from C program

    I wrote a program that looks at a file's properties and generates a little file in the htdocs of my apache directory. I want to add an option to e-mail a link to the file. Does anyone know how to access sendmail from a c program other than system("mail [email protected]"); I would like to use...
  31. R

    Authenticate Linux (Fedora C3) against AD

    Can anyone confirm that 32000 range limit? I just "counted" the domain users and there are about 99000 now. That will change, probably grow, about daily. I'm going to need a lot more than 32000. There are only 7000 groups though, so it would be possible to allow logins and share access by...
  32. R


    To use Comcast's SMTP server, you should just have to put in the conf file. I've never used Yabb, but I would assume it would work. As long as you are on a comcast connection, I don't think you should have to authenticate to the smtp server either.
  33. R


    I would reccommend using your comcast smtp server. That will be the easiest by far. If you insist on setting up a local smtp server, your best bet (imo) would be a seperate *nix box running sendmail or qmail. If I was setting this up, I would build a linux router with NAT, Apache, and qmail...
  34. R

    Authenticate Linux (Fedora C3) against AD

    I changed the range to 10000-31000 and I get the same error. Anything else?
  35. R

    Authenticate Linux (Fedora C3) against AD

    I read the Winbind section of TOSHRG. I think I'm pretty close, but not quite there. I joined the domain successfully. Then I executed wbinfo -u wbinfo -g to make sure I could see the user and group information. That worked fine. Then I tried getent passwd getent group These both listed the...
  36. R

    Authenticate Linux (Fedora C3) against AD

    I want to authenticate Fedora user accounts against active directory accounts, and eventually Samba accounts as well, but first things first. I've done a lot of reading and think I could do it if I was an administrator of the domain controller, but alas, I'm not. The DC's do not have Services...
  37. R

    A little help!

    It would do everything you need it to. It is a very nice computer. I don't think I could ever bring myself to buy a Gateway, but in all honesty, it'll do just fine. If you have the cash, I say go for it. Be sure to shop around though. You might find about the same thing on Dell or something. The...
  38. R

    Could someone help with a build?

    First, ditch the "C" model P4, and go with a LGA775 chip. I think they are the model "E"; but not sure on that. Then go with any board with the Intel 915P or 925X chipset, like the Abit AG8 or AA8. My rec. would be the Abit AG8. Abit always makes a top quality board and that one is no...
  39. R

    Don't you wish you had classes like this?

    I'm not sure it was necessary to flame your peers in your original post. I'm not sure how you and your partner (two people???) were approved for a semester long project to build a computer. Don't get me wrong, it is cool. I just think two seniors in college would be required to do more in a...
  40. R

    ASP.NET works in IIS, but ASP (old version) doesn't

    Our IIS server is having some issues with ASP, which seems weird since both are inherently MS. It runs three websites. Two of them use ASP (old version) and the other uses ASP.NET. The one that uses ASP.NET is working and the other two will not load. The asp.dll file is there and has not been...