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  1. R

    The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

    Alright, here's one for you guys... Specs... Asus P5Q standard, QX6850, 2x2GB Patriot Viper DDR2-1066, 9800 GTX+, 320x2 RAID 0 Alright, so I can install Vista 64, but when I get to the second reboot when you would normally come to the screen with the time/date select, user name select...
  2. R

    Retail Edge Shipments?

    Yeah... jerks who were just gonna do that should have waited a bit so I could get mine in a resonable time! :p
  3. R

    Retail Edge Shipments?

    Hi everyone, sorry to post this here, but I can't reply in the official thread on the Hot Deals forum because I don't have 50 posts yet (why is this? It's a really dumb rule). Anyway, for those of you who are participating in the Intel RetailEdge program and ordered the processor, I was just...
  4. R

    9800 GTX + HF289H Wierd Resolution Issue

    Alright, so I threw my 9800 gtx in to test it (see other recent thread by me), and I'm getting a wierd resolution issue. The desktop is stretched over the sides of the monitor when it's set at native resolution (1920x1200). When I go to a 4:3 resolution like 1600x1200, I see the whole desktop...
  5. R

    9800 GTX+ from Newegg... open box sold as new!

    People have brought up some good points... and yes, it is a BFG card. Newegg have been great in the past, so I'm going to give them the benifit of the doubt by ripping apart my current rig and testing the card throughly. First hint of a problem and it's going back, though. -Rogan
  6. R

    9800 GTX+ from Newegg... open box sold as new!

    Did they offer to pay shipping or anything like that? I'll be pissed if I have to send them back the item on my buck because of their mistake. -Rogan
  7. R

    9800 GTX+ from Newegg... open box sold as new!

    I'll definatley be calling them tomorrow. Even if pxc is right and it is infact a new card, it wasn't good of NewEgg to ship me a card in a box of that state... and I know it left their hands like this, because the outer box and the rest of the boxes in the box were fine. I would ask them for...
  8. R

    9800 GTX+ from Newegg... open box sold as new!

    Alright, Just got a 9800 GTX+ from Newegg along with a bunch of other parts for a build. Turns out it's an open box item, sold to me as new. I know this because: 1. Box heavily dented and worn, despite the shipping box and all the other component boxes being prestine. 2. Cardstock...
  9. R

    QX6850 w/P35

    No fair! I am a movie star for some reason, but a friend of mine is a rock star and he started retail edge at the same time as me and had the same amount of old points. I'm hoping it opens up to moviestars maybe like a month later than rockstars, that way I can do it in July.
  10. R

    QX6850 w/P35

    Yeah couldn't imagine paying 1000 bucks for that.... actually hardly can imagine paying $250 for it since I have a Q6700 now but my bro needs a new computer so I figured i'd sell him this one and build again rather than having to canabalize this one AND build his new one for him.
  11. R

    Outlook/MS Exchange Issue

    Cool, thanks, will try that.
  12. R

    QX6850 w/P35

    Haha.... the thing is I won't be spending that much on the processor... hehehe... Intel retail edge program... I'm getting it for about $250 in a few months :-). I was figuring you could since there both 1333 FSB chipsets, just checking.... -Rogan
  13. R

    QX6850 w/P35

    Hi all, I checked intel's official site and it says that you need one of those X-something-something chipsets too run the extreme edition QX6850. Is this true? I'd like to save some cash and run it on a P35 board if possible. Thanks, Rogan
  14. R

    Outlook/MS Exchange Issue

    Hi all, A family friend of mine is running Outlook/MS Exchange for their small buisness of about four computers. Anyway, sometimes forwarded e-mails, especially from one particular computer, should up as really small, small text. I checked in the options and the forwarded message font size is...
  15. R

    eMac OS X Booting Issues

    I'll try that archive and restore thing. Sadly the password reset won't work. I can log in but I just get back to the login screen. It's not the wrong password. Thanks, Rogan
  16. R

    eMac OS X Booting Issues

    Ok, so I'm a PC veteran but know next to nothing about macs. Anyway, this old lady that I do computer lessons/support for has an eMac, and out of the blue it just started booting to a command prompt. On the screen was: :/ root# I got the system to boot back to the login screen by running...
  17. R

    OSX 10.3 eMac Issues

    Ok, so I'm a PC veteran but know next to nothing about macs. Anyway, this old lady that I do computer lessons/support for has an eMac, and out of the blue it just started booting to a command prompt. On the screen was: :/ root# I got the system to boot back to the login screen by running...
  18. R

    My pictures of the Cooler Master 690 (the new $50 uber-case!)

    Yeah, I was wondering about the fan setup too....... I'll be building on thursday and I was thinking the stock front and side panel intakes, plus the one on the floor as an intake, then leaving the upper side panel slot right above the processor blank and putting exhausts on the back and the two...
  19. R

    Retail Edge 2007!

    To all those that have had the trouble with only being able to purchase the 6600 bundle when you have the points for 6700, It happens when you print out the verification form before you have enough chips. Yes, it can be fixed. No, it's not easy. Call intel and hastle as many people as...
  20. R

    My pictures of the Cooler Master 690 (the new $50 uber-case!)

    Sorry, but can I just clarify the fans on this guy? I can't find any info on coolermaster's site or newegg. I get that the 80mm fan below the mobo needs to be thin, but I saw something else about needing thin fans for up top under the mesh? I ordered a bunch of 120x25mm fans, will they fit?
  21. R

    My pictures of the Cooler Master 690 (the new $50 uber-case!)

    Is the space for the exhaust fan below the moterboard big enough for a normal width 80mm fan or does it need to be thin? -Rogan
  22. R

    Retail Edge 2007!

    Ok, so I verifed when I had enough points for Q6600 but not Q6700. Is there any way around this besides waiting for [email protected] to get back to me? I know one of my friends called intel and eventually got a hold of someone that just overrided it for him and let him purchase the 6700 (he...
  23. R

    YouTube Users Watch Less TV

    I don't even watch TV anymore. For me, it's either movies or youtube (although sometimes I will watch actual TV shows on youtube or similar sites).
  24. R

    Pentium D price cuts coming

    I think over at THG they said something about a second price cut later on.... 960s going for 300ish i think.... We'll have to see how M2 and Conroe compares, ill be getting an upgrade at about that time....
  25. R

    what does the Pentium 9xx series bring to the table compared to the 8xx

    You would obviously want to get a 9 series if you were buying today, but if you have an 8 series, the performance increase isn't that much (at stock speed, the 9 series OC's better as the above said). At THG, they had some benchmarks and the 9 series was getting maybe 1-5 seconds faster on a...
  26. R

    2 x x800xt vs 7800gt

    Basically everything..... the X800 series was in my opinion ATi's darkest hour. They were schooling the FX series with their 9800's, and then they just lost it all.... there starting to make a comeback with there x1800s though.
  27. R

    X850XT vs. ?

    Yeah, I think the XFX 7800 GT was like 260 something with a rebate the other day on Newegg..... definatley a huge leap in performance over either of those cards.
  28. R

    Best video card of all time?

    Suprised not to see any mentions of the GeForce 256... that was a bigass leap.
  29. R

    Will this setup do?

    I'd see if you could spring for an Athlon64 or P4... If not, I'd try for an LGA775 Celeron instead of a 478
  30. R

    About to buy: narrowed down to 2; help me out!

    Daewoo, because it's bigger and has a higher resolution. -Rogan
  31. R

    Asus P5LD2 and TPII-550 compatability

    Hi all, I was wondering if an Asus P5LD2 would work correctly with an Antec Truepower II TPII-550 powersupply. Thanks, Rogan
  32. R

    Dimension 9100 Resale Value

    Thanks for the replys.... That Centurion 5 looks pretty nice. What do you guys think about the Wavemaster, also by coolermaster? I'll be sure to pick up a different power supply. Thanks, Rogan
  33. R

    Dimension 9100 Resale Value

    Hi all, I bought a Dell Dimension 9100 back in June, when I needed a new computer badly (old one completely died), and wanted a Dual Core processor, which I couldn't get on Newegg yet. The system that I recieved has been a big piece of crap, so Dell is sending me a referbished unit. This got...
  34. R

    Dell Dimension 9100 Resale Value

    Hi all, I bought a Dell Dimension 9100 back in June, when I needed a new computer badly (old one completely died), and wanted a Dual Core processor, which I couldn't get on Newegg yet. The system that I recieved has been a big piece of crap, so Dell is sending me a referbished unit. This got...
  35. R

    Show Your CRT(s) setups!!!

    Long time reader, first time poster. Gotta say I love the CRT. They are just wonderful things. Cheaper and better than the LCD at this point. Here's my setup.. CRT is a Dell 1600HS 21" (Sony Trinitron), which I picked up for free a while back. LCD is a KDS RAD-7 17", which used to be my...