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  1. V

    Which 8800GTX is best?

    EVGA is the best. They have the best RMA support.
  2. V

    Is it possible for a CPU to only kind of work?

    I had a Pentium D 805 that I OCd too far. It would reboot at random times. I tested the PSU, Ram, Mobo, it turned out it was the CPU. It kind of works but not very well its never very stable even at stock speed.
  3. V

    First Intel build has sucked

    I think it might be the wiring in the back. I have it stable in here now. It has only crashed one time in my room while running a game. Iv been running so many tests im sure it would have crashed if it were someting with the components. ill look at the links and see if they help thanks for...
  4. V

    trouble with new computer

    No i just built the computer a few days ago.
  5. V

    First Intel build has sucked

    Iv been using AMD for all my builds for a while now. However, I just built a system that is based around a Pentium D805 2.66Ghz, an Intel D102Ggc2 mobo, and a one gig stick of Gskill DDR 2. The computer has been very unstable and has crashed all of the time. There is no blue screen. The...
  6. V

    trouble with new computer

    Double posted srry
  7. V

    Can I throw away an eVGA Heatsink?

    EVGA will charge you for any parts that are missing when you RMA a card. I know I did it twice. I saved the cooling hardware and when I had to send my card back, bad ram, I just put the cooling stuff in a bag along with card.
  8. V

    Buildup with MCT5 normal?

    I had to redo my loop and when I drained it of the fluid xp there was a thick coat of that stuff all over my res. All of my hoses had that stuff too. I didn't check if it messed up my block... maybe I should. When I first started water cooling i got two things of fluid XP. Dumb idea in...
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    6800GT Screen Corruption

  10. V

    EVGA Sucks and also Kicks

    Im on my 2nd RMA with EVGA for one of my 6800 GTs. They took the first one back without the stock cooling so Im happy. All in all I think they are a good company I plan to buy a 7800 GTX from them.
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    755 A2 bios

    Does anyone know where I can find unlocked bios for an ECS 755 A2 mobo or a good bios editing tool I can use to unlock all of the features? I can't even change the voltage to the cpu. I need new bios. Really I need a new mobo but, in the mean time some better bios would help. Thanks
  12. V

    VGA Ramsinks

    I use them, the copper OCZ ones, they work great. They are hot after I play games so I know they work.
  13. V

    is it okay to run CPU without heatsink/fan?

    lol I don't see why he just didn't go to Frys or CompUSA or something and buy a heatsink :confused: now he has a nice little AMD paper weight.
  14. V

    Something wierd with my OC

    You could over clock the GPU with temps like that. They are well with in normal for a 6800 GT. GPUs can run hotter than CPUs. If you brought your GPU core up to like 400 and the ram maybe up to 1.10 than you would see an increase in FPS. Just get coolbits and go up in small increments and...
  15. V

    Flashing your bios - Getting more juice

    I have an Evga 6800 GT 256 AGP. It is watercooled. The core is clocked at 456 and the ram at 1100. Temps were good, like 48c-51c full load, I was happy. I could get the card up to 467 on the core but it would not go much higher. I knew it was not the temps and I have a Ultra 500w PSU so i...