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  1. R

    Does the Dell 3007WFP-HC really have low input lag?

    I have a 3007WFP, and I still game about 100fps on COD4, 2560x1600 max settings 4aa
  2. R

    HTPC/Gaming Monitor

    LOL, this question is raised so many times...Its really simple, if you plan on sitting back about 5 feet or more get the TV, if you plan on being about 2-3 feet away, the TV will just be blurry. Maybe that helps maybe not.
  3. R

    1080p LCD TV vs 1600p LCD Monitor

    I have seen pictures on both....The TV version isn't clear by any means nor is the color correct...Get a 30 inch PC LCD if you want crisp sharp images.
  4. R

    LCD tv vs. LCD PC monitor, differences

    no, its totally diff technology...LCD tvs are not meant for computers..resolution is way to low,but then again big screens you don't sit 1 foot away. Get a 30 inch LCD for PC if you can afford it, but if you want bigger you'll have to go LCD TV version.
  5. R

    30 inch and up thread! Post Pics of your huge displays!

    back of my dell says 3007WFPt What the heck does the t mean?
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    Survey of 32" 1080p monitors

    why are you pushing for a 32 inch tv,,, why not a 30 inch dell or apple, and get higher resolution?
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    crt better for gaming?

    I still don't think crts are better...I've seen people use them, and pro or not, I think LCDs are just as good these days...And as for Blacks, look into OLED monitors, Perfect black.
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    Survey of 32" 1080p monitors

    As long as you sit back about 4-5 feet tvs are fine for computing, but dont expect to get up close n personal and see all the intrecate detail in a picture.
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    Help me decide please Aquos 32GP3U or Pana Viera TC-32LZ800

    I had the 32GP1U and well, the picture was great for TV, but as a computer lcd, I wouldn't reccomend it...Its just tv's are not really made for computing, unlesss you plan on maybe putting it back about 4 or 5 feet, then it would look just fine...The Sharp, looked superior for tv and movies...
  10. R

    Need Advice on a 26" LCD Monitor

    hes doing pdfs and documents, how much professional does he need...A standard acer will give him crystal clear picture....I dunno, just what i'm thinking.
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    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

  12. R

    Just got new monitor, needs few questions.

    Yea, nice setup man, like the monitor, always been a fan of samsungs :)
  13. R

    Please recommend me a 24'' Monitor

    I have had a dell 2405, first gen, it was greattt for games, used it for about 2 years then unloaded for a acer, which did fairly well but you had to look at it streight on...My parents got the 2407FPW and as usual, superior looking monitor, crisp colors and fast display for gaming...Just my...
  14. R

    Just got new monitor, needs few questions.

    I was talking about ur cable management on the desk with your peripherals...And I was kidding with you man....LOL, didn't need to open up the comp and take more pictures. Made worse even more worse LOLOL.
  15. R

    Need Advice on a 26" LCD Monitor

    Holy Crapola, you sound like a person that has to be sold twice what a monitor is worth before you'll consider it man..0 Dead pixels, sure you could get that, but even the best monitors have dead pixels, its just luck of the draw sometimes, sure some vendors have better reputation for less...
  16. R

    Triple monitors using a gtx280 and another video card

    Jacob your funny, all that bling, and a 10 dollar set of speakers FTW :)
  17. R

    Just got new monitor, needs few questions.

    I like your cable management situation ;)
  18. R

    For those who use a 32" FullHD LCD TV as a pc monitor, i need some help.

    This I absolutely agree with, for movies, and basic stuff, its fine...But for hardcore gamers, lowering the resolution to 1080p, doesn't require much more then a 6800 video card :) I do all games and some word processing so I really notice the colors and clarity of pictures, most who do not...
  19. R

    Triple monitors using a gtx280 and another video card

    Well a 30 inch and 2 wide screen 20s' match up perfectly to the 30.
  20. R

    For those who use a 32" FullHD LCD TV as a pc monitor, i need some help.

    I recently purchased a Sharp 1080p 32 inch TV with DVI input, figuring i'd use it at a Computer LCD....Absolultely NOTTTTTT. I do not reccomend this whatsoever, and give mad props to people who like to adjust to the blurry image and faded picture. Every game I went into I had to readjust the...
  21. R

    Triple monitors using a gtx280 and another video card

    I had the same question....Just ended up going with a 30 inch, so that nothing would have a problem with it :)....Otherwise if you go with 3 x 19 inch, I think you can use that without issues, but I wasn't willing to test it.
  22. R

    30 inch and up thread! Post Pics of your huge displays!

    Nothing to spectacular...Going to be moving end of august and will throw out this desk and get me a real nice one. Just a 30 inch Dell WFP here. Quad Core Gaming Rig with 9800GX2, 2 Gigs Ram, Blu-Ray Burner. She scoots along pretty darn good in COD4 and WarCraft :)
  23. R

    Received my 3008WFP today.

    Just to post to the first guys post about the light leakage....I did have a little bit when I had a dell 2405, first gen 24 inch monitors but not to bad...I just picked up a 3007WFP for 830$ and it has 0 light leakage, I loaded up a black screen and there is none whatsoever....Considering what...
  24. R

    3 LCD Setup, or NO?

    Well I meant going 3 x 19s...My 9800GX2 won't have a problem rendereing all three screens...I found a deal on a 3007 Dell monitor for 850 that i'm picking up tomorrow....So looks as though im going that route.
  25. R

    3 LCD Setup, or NO?

    Well I have some spare money from my company I work for....I'm debating what to do right now, I love gaming, I have a quad core, 9800GX2 and just want more screen. I currently have a 24 inch lcd which is great but i've been with this 24 inch since the first dells came out. Wondering, should...
  26. R

    i was thinking about getting an 8800ultra.

    LOL this crap is hillarious.. Why wouldn't you buy an ultra, its not like its initial release price of 750....I just bought one yesterday for 564 after mail in rebate for the MSI OC edition,which from what I can tell is cheaper then the guy who just bought a GTX for 490. As for all this hype...
  27. R

    Upgrade from 7800GTX for 24" LCD

    2 x 7800GTX is not the same as 1 7950...A 7950 is 2 x 7900GTs 512mb vs. As for higher res again the 1gb 7950 is going to out perform the 2 x 7800GTXs.
  28. R

    2x 7900GT 256MB SLI vs 1x 7900GT 512MB

    Yea thats a big difference....I'm talking like 1920x1200 on MAX settings,,,,That would prolly drop you down to about 10fps compared to the 60 or so a 7950 can handle. If you are happy with those settings then no worries, I just know when I see those and I see high end, its a huge...
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    2x 7900GT 256MB SLI vs 1x 7900GT 512MB

    This I GOTTA see!
  30. R

    Step-up to evga 7950 GX2 or stay with my 7900 GTX

    Wow people would kill for your position. How much is the upgrade? Difference in performance is about 40% but its really only noticed if you run 1600x1200 with AA and Anthro fullllly on, which if you want truly crystal clear graphics you do. Just saw post....80 BUCKS???? Are you crazy...
  31. R

    F/S: eVGA Geforce 7800 GTX 256mb

    Sold? Got a friend that wants it.
  32. R

    WTT: My eVGA 7900GTX + cash for your 7950GX2.

    175 and ur 7900GTX and i'll sell you a brand new XFX 7950, mine should be here Wed next week.
  33. R

    FS: Xbox 360 with LOTS of extras and 160GB modded Xbox

    Come with games or anything?
  34. R

    WTB: Anyone have (and willing to part with) their XFX 7900GT box

    XFX does not require you send them the box...I have a Extra 7900 GTX Extreme Box since I ended up getting rid of the 7900 for a 7950.
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    Wanted 7800GT OC

    290 umm I can get a 7900GT OC for that price. I want a used one if anybodys just looking to unload one.
  36. R

    Wanted 7800GT OC

    I got a buddy that needs one for SLI. Looking for a 7800GT OC, he currently has a BFG, let me know how much you want for it. Do not quote me 270$ or some outrageous amount cause its not worth that.
  37. R

    is my card or cable fooked?

    hmm, could try a diff pcie slot, and or run 3dmark05 or 06 see what it does in their... Call evga demand a different card lol.
  38. R

    VERY Disapointed at EVGA 7900GT KO 512MB

    You should get a 7950 it does VERYYY well on high everything on Fear, and avgs like 40fps on Oblivion high everything. as for a 7900GT I don't know who hyped you up but I could have told you, if you don't get top of the line, don't expect top of the line performance. Grab another 7900GT...
  39. R

    ForceWare 91.45 beta released

    If its that bad just send to me so I can go quad.