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  1. C

    Resolution on DELL 24inch 2405FPW

    I got a 2405 and I run BF2 at 1920x1200. I suggest playing around with VSync. Also, for the eye burning issue, this is going to sound insane... but... try turning the monitors brightness down (the monitor, not the game) to 25 or 0 instead of the default (100). It made a huge difference for...
  2. C

    Dungeon Runners Beta Invites Thread

    hmm Didn't arrive, can you try [email protected] instead?
  3. C

    Dungeon Runners Beta Invites Thread

    I'd like one too . =) mabv04 (at)
  4. C

    Dynamic discs, RAID-5, transfer issues

    Hello. Having some harddrive transfer issues... Not sure its the right forum, but I guess its close enough. I'm using an MSI K8N NE04. It has 4 SATA ports and 2 IDE ports on the same controller. It also has an onboard SIL 3114 SATA RAID controller with 4 ports. It also has 1gb pc3200 ram that...
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    2007/2407: February 24

    Just want to make sure... When Dell releases a new line of products - Do they stop selling the old one completely and trash their stock, or do they still offer them for sale?
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    2007/2407: February 24

    I do not think the 30-day return thing apply to companies in sweden..
  7. C

    2007/2407: February 24

    Sigh. Do I order 2 2405FPW's with the 25% rebatte thats active currently (Sweden) that ends on 2006-02-22.. or do I wait for the (possibly inferior) 2407FPW's on the 24th, probably with no rebatte...? Whine :( I hate making decisions like that. No matter what you do it turns out wrong.
  8. C

    what skills should i learn to be a succesful warrior/tank in WoW

    ...Onyxia is a gimp boss that can be killed by 15 people. I'm a rogue, I've "tanked" onyxia plenty of times, usually by mistake. Really no problem, and no need to go make a movie out of it. Now, I want to see a rogue tank firemaw, chromaggus, nefarian, emperor vek'lor, princess huhuran or...
  9. C

    Yet another build computer post

    Okay, thanks for your help =)
  10. C

    Yet another build computer post

    CoolerMaster, Hiper, NorthQ, Tagan, Thermaltake are the PSU brands I have to chose from :( Oh, and graphic cards, what about ATI cards? I never owned one so I'm a bit unsure on those.
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    Yet another build computer post

    "As for 3500+ vs 3700+... what do you want to do with it?" Play games! Not sure if its worth another 100$ though. As for PSU, any recommendations? Only PSU's I never heard of seem to be available here. Graphics card: XFX GeForce 6800GT 256MB GDDR3 PCI-Express, Tv-Out/DVI, Retail...
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    Yet another build computer post

    Mmm, and how important is a lightning fast HD these days? I'm considering going 2gb ram and use my old 7200 RPM 8mb WD drive. Opinions?
  13. C

    Yet another build computer post

    Hey This is yet another "Help me build a computer" post =) Currently, this is on my list: Graphics card: XFX GeForce 6800GT 256MB GDDR3 PCI-Express, Tv-Out/DVI, Retail Motherboard: MSI K8N NEO4 Platinum, nForce4 Ultra,ATX Socket-939, 4xSATA2, D-GbLAN, PCI-Ex16 CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+...
  14. C

    Weird request, Dell Latitude D800

    No, I don't. I only got the 1 year service plan.
  15. C

    Weird request, Dell Latitude D800

    Hello. I recently disassembled my D800 because i spilled tea over it... (yeah, i'm an idiot) It seems that I put some screws in the wrong place, and the Service Manual on Dell's website is wrong. So, someone that has a D800, could you unscrew the screw labeled "B" on the bottom of your D800...