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  1. S

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    yay for long shots!
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    Vista undoing OC on Asus A8N32-SLI/Opt165

    I installed vista RC1 tonight on my rig. This is normally an operton 165 OC'd to 2.5ghz. When I load up Vista it seems to be reducing the multiplier down so that the 165 is running at default speed. the HTT buss is still overclocked like usual I'm just being denied by the multiplier. If I...
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    THE A8N32 Build database

    Thought I'd try here first. Rig: A8N32-SLI Bios 1303 Opteron 165 @ 2.5ghz (HTT 280, mulitplier x9, k8>NB x4, mem lim 166) - Overclock is stable 1gb Corsair DDR400LL @ ~233 (timings relaxed) 2xWD74gb Rapto - Raid-0 (via nforce4) Creative X-Fi 7800GTX The problem I'm having is when...
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    WTB Logitech Z-5500 Control Pod

    I am looking to buy just the control pod from a z-5500 speaker set. Most likely this would be from someone that had to RMA a defective speaker from your original set and Logitech sent you an entire new one. In my case my control pod died so they are replacing it with a brand new set but I...
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    Nforce 5.10 - XP

    New Nforce drivers seem to have popped up on Version 5.10 only for XP (at the moment anyways) My question is to anyone that installs these, do you get an isscript.msi error at the ethernet/firewall install stage? This will...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Problems & Support..

    i find it funny that yesterday I got a response from Giga regarding Easy Tune 4 and its lack of hardware monitoring - 'If button does not work, Et4 no support' yet magically it seems this latest beta bios has it supported and working. This board was so incredibly not ready for prime time when...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Problems & Support..

    At this point after hearing the MSi has equal issues and having personal reasons for not wanting to return to via, my current thinking is to endure the gigabyte board with relaxed timings (really not that big a deal) and have a stable board. Then replace it with an Nforce4 when they make it to...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Problems & Support..

    When I emailed tech support they responded back saying the temp issue was being looked into. Maybe the phone guys just have no clue or arent linked to HQ? I've alwayst assumed that new bios revisions come from the homeland, not the local branches. Also I loved how they simply say - go get...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Problems & Support..

    This is of no help to you I know, but there are some of us getting things to run stable. In my case the Corsair 3200XLPRO had to be backed down to 2.5 Cas but after that everything was stable. Went from failing prime in minutes to working for hours with no error. You said you've tried all the...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Problems & Support..

    For anyone running a pair of Sata drives in a raid-0 (in my case 2xWD Raptors) do they show up in windows as active USB devices? its very weird but hardware manager just sees the large raid drive (as it should) but windows usb manager sits in my task bar permanently telling me it has two WD...
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    Roll-call: GA-K8NSNXP-939 (nf3) + dual-chan DDR

    So are you able to run your memory at the low timings or just letting the bios run its defaults?
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    Roll-call: GA-K8NSNXP-939 (nf3) + dual-chan DDR

    I finally got mine stable but forget about 2-2-2-5. Right now I have a 3500+ and a pair of Corsair 5123200XLPRO. From default I had to bring the cas upto 2.5 and all my problems have seemingly been crunched. Prime would fail after 1min, now I've run it for 9 hours with zero faults. I...
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    Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 Help

    Could someone that owns this board first of all tell me what the label on the included driver cd was? Mine says Nforce3-250 which makes me uncomfortable especially since I can not for the life of me get this thing stable. I've seen other posts about issues people are having so I'm trying to...
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    So where are the 939 boards?

    I really dont understand this launch. Has there been any news of problems that would explain the slow relase of new mother boards? The chips are out, you can buy them without incident. But your up the creek if you want to actually slap them in an Nforce3 board. Heck even the via stuff is in...
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    nForce4 939 board picture!

    Too bad they didnt skip 3 and go straight to 4. SoundStorm should have never been removed in the first place. Though I dont know if I'm all that ready to leave AGP behind yet so maybe the timing works out in the end.
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    Just to toss another that looks worth waiting for. Decided this is the one I'm now hoping for after reading some mediocre reviews on the Gigabyte. MSI K8N Neo2 Platiunum (me thinks they need some new naming schemes)
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    Glad someone will finally have one to report back on. Twice now I've sat with my new rig sitting the my cart at Newegg but just not felt ready to order it. Returned the next day to see the mobo sold out.
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    Does No One Care?!?

    Are we not going to see any Nocona reviews today other than the little splurge on the Inquirer? I was hoping to see some good info by now. Or are they NDAs somehow not yet expired?
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    I think your getting confused about something. Dual channel is one per CPU. On the Dual rigs you have a dual channel per chip, but on single only one. We only just got dual channel on the 939 chips, prior to that it was single channel but more cache on regualr A64s and Dual Channel on...
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    The gigabyte is finally available! Purchaseable Nforce3 Ultra $227:
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    Well its not an nforce board but it is another option for 939 that you can actually pruchase right this moment. Abit AV8 K8T800 Pro $145 specs:
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    Saddly I agree the market is a bit off kilter for the moment. Its hard to find justifications for the 939 line other than its new and wont be going away anytime soon. I am hoping that perhaps in two weeks when the new Intel stuff launches that things will settle into more standard orders with...
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    939 Mobos to look for?

    Basically wondering if you guys (and gals) have come across any interesting looking 939 boards in the pipe to keep an eye out for? Obviously reviews will set the tone for whats hot and whats not but I need at least something to look for. So far I've only come across the Gigabyte...
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    nforce3 250 and socket 939 when?

    Could just give in and buy the via approach. If i already had the chip laying around I'm not sure I'd be able to wait for the nvidia stuff to make it out. :D
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    nforce3 250 and socket 939 when?

    You are most certainly not alone in this wait. So far all I've seen is the k8t800pro on the shelf. Makes it very difficult to build a new system around 939 with out a motherboard to slot it into. :confused: