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  1. P

    two individual desktops on two screens - not clone, not span - possible?

    As the title might suggest, I'm looking for a way to set up the graphics card (doesn't matter if Ati or Nvidia, setup has to be possible on both) to display one individual desktop on each of the two connected displays. If I run a game full screen on display B, display A should still show the...
  2. P

    G2400WD arrived, some questions thou...

    My BenQ G2400WD just arrived, and among the first things I want to check is the 1:1 pixel mapping. But no matter what the input resolution is, the "Picture Advanced -> Display Mode" menu ies greyed out. The manual states it's only available for widescreens. So I checked my order so see if I...
  3. P

    24" advice please

    My FW900 is behaving stranger by the day, so I fear it won't work for much longer. That's why I'm looking into TFTs once again. I'm looking for - 24" widescreen - zero input lag (since I'm very sensitive to it) - low afterglow - can have overdrive if input lag isn't increased (some...
  4. P

    problem: fps cap and mouselag with DX8 games in Vista despite Vsync = off

    Hi guys, I'm having a problem that's practically preventing me from migrating to Vista, which I otherwise like pretty well. I still mostly play this DX8 game called Freelancer, however in Vista FPS are capped at the refresh rate of the screen, no matter what I do about it. Tried turning...
  5. P

    are there any non-TN Displays without any input lag at all?

    Basically, the title of this topic says it all. To my knowledge there aren't any non-TN displays that have 0ms input lag, but I kinda hope I'm wrong. You folks don't happen to know of such a display?