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  1. C

    Robots Could Wipe out Another 6 Million Retail Jobs

    The bagging areas for self checkout are what get me. They're so incredibly tiny, but it insists on me balancing everything on the stupid scale. These days my wife just orders online. Go to the grocery store, some employee brings out your food and puts it in your trunk. Done.
  2. C

    Robots Could Wipe out Another 6 Million Retail Jobs

    People at the time of great agricultural change could have said the same thing. I doubt you think that the only things that are possible are the things we can dream up while chatting on this forum. That's the thing about the economy - nobody could piece it together. That's one reason why...
  3. C

    Your Government Knows Better than You

    Republicans can (and should) use the nuclear option to remove filibuster issues. They refuse, and McConnell is an idiot for doing so. Oh look, a Republican is the one stopping Republicans. Dems can't "stifle" votes, that's ridiculous. Of course they lie. Congressional Dems are the skeeziest...
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    Your Government Knows Better than You

    It's a jab at Republicans that pretend to be for smaller government...until they're in charge. There is absolutely nothing stopping the Republicans from enacting major reforms that shrink government. Instead, they can't even bring themselves to get rid of the piece of legislation they've...
  5. C

    Your Government Knows Better than You

    Because legislators don't do enforcement, but need to act like they're doing something to get voters. 90% of what they get up to boils down to getting reelected.
  6. C

    AMD ThreadRipper HEDT CPU Officially Announced

    Don't worry, [H] is here for you.
  7. C

    Switching to Opera: It's Time to Break up with Chrome and All the RAM It Eats Up

    I'm also in the tab whore crowd. Some of you need more work to do I guess. ;) I routinely have to research multiple issues for multiple projects daily. There's usually a dozen tabs per topic. Plus I spend time doing research on a variety of topics of hobby interest. Invariably I get interrupted...
  8. C

    Bloatware-free Windows 10 at Major Geeks

    That's exactly where I'm at. I have a lot of machines at home, and time spent making them work is time I could spend doing something else or logging billable hours. No Win10 because I have no confidence that it won't be a recurring maintenance headache.
  9. C

    Marissa Mayer Will Make $186 Million on Yahoo’s Sale to Verizon

    I'm saying your complaints about S&P's bond rating practices are a complete nonsequiter and nonsensical in the context of the post you were replying to. You don't even have to do business with S&P to invest in the S&P 500. Hence, I say you're just complaining about financial stuff you don't...
  10. C

    Marissa Mayer Will Make $186 Million on Yahoo’s Sale to Verizon

    You don't even know what you're complaining about. The S&P is the S&P 500.
  11. C

    AMD Ryzen 5 Reviewer's Kit Giveaway

  12. C

    $5,660 Mac Pro Crushed in Photoshop Test by $1,530 PC with AMD Ryzen

    They are comparing products, not specs. "Why buy X when Y gets the job done better for less money?" is a valid comparison. Your answer may be "I desperately need ECC", and that's also valid, but most people don't need that for doing photoshop crap. Just the other day I was browsing [H] and saw...
  13. C

    Uber Must Leave Italy in 10 Days after Nationwide Ban

    That's if they don't leave.
  14. C

    Tech Companies Are Starting to Give Up on Degrees

    I own a small software development company. We do not care one bit about degrees when hiring (and never have). I don't know anyone in my network who does, either. It's always just "show me what you've done and convince me you'll provide more value than the pay you demand." These are mostly...
  15. C

    Amazon Will Deliver Groceries to Your Car in 15 Minutes

    All of the big groceries here already do it as well.
  16. C

    Norway Wants to Build the World’s First Full-Scale Ship Tunnel

    lol it would be like a log ride at an amusement park.
  17. C

    US Will Be Hit Worse by Job Automation Than Other Major Economies

    Oh look, more silly doomsday prophecies. They could at least attempt to use realistic time periods. Whole sectors of the economy are just barely using software effectively after how many years? And I'm supposed to believe that mission-specific hardware will be developed, tested, and adopted for...
  18. C

    Apple Claims WikiLeaks’ CIA Vault 7 'Dark Matter' iOS And Mac Exploits Are Outdated

    In addition, most of the news is that they do massive dragnets/mass infections of US persons, not that they spy at all.
  19. C

    Cosplayer with No Game Experience Was Lead Facial Animator for ME: Andromeda?

    In software development a lead X is usually doing dev work, teaching/guiding others, making important architectural decision and technology selections, etc.
  20. C

    Google Increases JPEG Compression by 35% Without Loss in Image Quality

    Mozilla did this years ago with mozjpeg....
  21. C

    AMD Ryzen 5 Processors Start At $169 and Launch on April 11th

    Awesome, more cpus to not have motherboards for!
  22. C

    The Backlash against Bill Gates' Call for a Robot Tax

    If you bothered to do even a cursory Google search on Luddites you would already know you're wrong. Let's see, here's what you said ISN'T Luddism.... And here's the Smithsonian talking to Kevin Binfield, Luddite historian and author of a very excellent compilation book of contemporary writings...
  23. C

    The Backlash against Bill Gates' Call for a Robot Tax

    You describe Luddism precisely in the first sentence, then say in the second nobody wants a return to it? :confused: Luddites didn't break people's stuff because they hated technology, they broke it because they were protesting. They were concerned about automation putting people out of work...
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    The Backlash against Bill Gates' Call for a Robot Tax

    Assuming this thread is representative (which is a big assumption), I find it hilarious that a tech forum like [H] is filled to the brim with Luddites.
  25. C

    How to Upgrade Judges with Machine Learning

    So true. My company is working on a large healthcare quality/safety predictive analytics project so we talk to a lot of healthcare tech companies. Every other one is marketeers going "machine learning! AI!" and they all wilt when questioned. I think 3 companies in all of healthcare actually do...
  26. C

    So, Decent Analysis from AMD's Reddit on the gaming latency issues

    What do you want them to do, recommend that their readers buy a product based on their hopes and dreams for future products? That would be a terrible review.
  27. C

    Large format, high res displays

    Hey [H], I'm looking for a way to display engineering prints at their full size (36"x60") with enough detail to be used in working meetings, which means people will be close to the screen. I'm not convinced that 1080p is enough for this, so I'm trying to find displays with a higher resolution...
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    A Half-Gigabyte Picture of the Moon

    Impact physics for large craters. The crust rebounds after being compressed, and the rebound causes central uplift.
  29. C

    A Half-Gigabyte Picture of the Moon

    It happens:
  30. C

    Where to buy P67 board right now

    Yes. AQ, I'll PM you the info.
  31. C

    Where to buy P67 board right now

    Awesome, I found one. Paid out the nose for it but, for me anyway, it'll pay itself off shortly.
  32. C

    Where to buy P67 board right now

    The defect doesn't affect me so I don't care about it, but to answer your question I need an increase in available computing power for timely turnaround in fine element analysis work. As you might imagine, customers don't care about motherboard recalls, they care about results - so having this...
  33. C

    Where to buy P67 board right now

    Does anyone know of a store that will sell me a P67 board right now? I'm looking for a P8P67 Pro or higher or an ASRock Extreme 4. I don't care about the SATA issue and am willing to void any RMA rights over it if that's possible. I really, really need to get this machine built and can't...
  34. C

    Multipurpose laptop advice

    I'm on the hunt for a multipurpose laptop. I currently have an old Dell Inspiron that badly needs to become my wife's "web browsing while watching TV on the couch" laptop and not much else. Here are the specifics of my situation: 90% of the time it will do web browsing, office stuff...