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  1. T

    Im an Apple hater and i bought an iPhone (AKA how the bionic turned me off android)

    Why did you have to put facts into a debate? It should be based purely on subjective personal experiences. :P
  2. T

    What should I upgrade first?

    I did exactly the same thing, was slapping myself for not looking properly at what I ordered but yeah, we can just get LP versions to go in those slots later.
  3. T

    Power Connector To Graphics Card

    Hey guys, I've got a quick question regarding PCI-e 6 pin power connectors to graphics card. Basically, I've just upgraded from 5850 to a 660ti and I've noted that I've been using a single power cable with double headed 6 pin to power my graphics card (so there's always been two connectors...
  4. T

    Setting GTX 680 to Best performance reduces card's life?

    Off topic but do you really have a GTX 680 paired with that CPU?
  5. T

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti at High AA Settings Review @ [H]

    Contrary evidence? I trust Tomshardware as far as I can throw an elephant but what do you guys make of their data and analysis?
  6. T

    Upgrading 260>660ti, worth it to keep 260 in?

    That'll be a lot of wasted energy and excess heat you'll be keeping in your case for a few games, especially when the 660ti is more than capable of handling Physx effects by itself in most cases.
  7. T

    Heavy Gamer budget graphics card

    No, there's a marked difference in load times even switching from 4GB to 6GB (unless I shutdown everything else before launching). RAM is so cheap these days it would be bonkers not to get at least 8GB. But yeah, I would grab a 6850 or equivalent and an extra 2GB RAM. Shouldn't cost much...
  8. T

    Heavy Gamer budget graphics card

    Exactly, my Win 7 uses 2GB as soon as it boots up! Remember, he said a budget of £100 which in the UK will only be something like a 6850 or 7770 (maybe a GTX 460 if he can find one). Obviously there'll be stuff on ebay too but that's very variable.
  9. T

    Heavy Gamer budget graphics card

    Are you serious? Only 2GB of system RAM??
  10. T

    Going from GTX 560TI 448 to 660TI

    Fair enough, just sometimes you can have educated guesses; for example AMD price drops just after Nvidia launches a card.
  11. T

    Going from GTX 560TI 448 to 660TI

    Random guess or is something happening on that date?
  12. T

    Going from GTX 560TI 448 to 660TI

    I've got a friend willing to buy my 5850 for £70 and I can get a Palit Jetstream 660ti for £240. However, when do you folks think the prices will drop from initial?
  13. T

    Going from GTX 560TI 448 to 660TI

    I know we can't future proof anything technology-wise but it doesn't mean we can't try to mitigate the effects of age by buying the right kind of hardware. Right now a 7950 and a 660ti both cost around £250 here, would you still recommend the latter over the former?
  14. T

    Going from GTX 560TI 448 to 660TI

    I've read some people compare the 660ti to the GTX460 768MB version. Problem with the pricing in the UK is that the average 660ti is £250 which is exactly same as the 7950s now meaning that it's not very clear choice. I want the physx from the 660ti but the 3GB and larger mem bandwidth of the...
  15. T

    Upgrading from a 5870...finally about time?

    I'm thinking of going 5850 to GTX 660ti as well, just waiting for a drop in price (I'm not fussy, 10% is enough) so that I'm on budget!).
  16. T

    AMD price cuts on 7900 and 7800 series!

    Damn, I was gunning for a 660ti after it drops 10% but this competition from AMD makes me want to stay on the Red team... price war fight now!
  17. T

    Nexus 7 Gripe

    Erm, not trying to be picky here but why are you using RAM and flash memory interchangeably?
  18. T

    GALAXY GeForce GTX 660 Ti GC 3GB Video Card Review

    I know this is launch price but £250 is a little over my budget. I guess a few months wait won't hurt given that I've been waiting since the 7870/50s were released...
  19. T

    Nvidia GTX 660 Ti Detailed

    Which always puzzled me as the cards are all imported from China/Taiwan anyway but that's another story. I've been holding out the upgrade of my 5850 for a while now. To be fair, the only taxing games I've played are Shogun 2, BF3 and Metro 2033. It still does the job in majority of games...
  20. T

    Nvidia GTX 660 Ti Detailed

    300USD would translate to £232, I would definitely bite at that price though I'm sure they'll find a way to jack it up here in rip off Britain.
  21. T

    Looking for tablet for mom

    I still think he should get her an iPad. I've been using my cousin's iPad 2 and comparing it to my Xoom. Basically there are very few options to fiddle with which means less chance of a non techie messing up the settings.
  22. T

    Looking for tablet for mom

    I think you misread, I have used Jelly Bean because my Xoom has been GEDified (was UK stock for a while till I realised Motorola cares nothing for Non US customers). Hence why I said that the difference between ICS and JB is far, far less than ICS and HC/GB.
  23. T

    After getting tablet I don't need smartphone

    4.65^2 (squared)= 21.6 7^2=49 10^2= 100. I know what you're saying but the reality is the screen areas doubles from 4.65 to 7...just as it does from 7 to 10 (assuming ratio of screen is maintained which it is).
  24. T

    Looking for tablet for mom

    Hmm, well I recently got the balls to flash my Galaxy S from stock GB to ICS333 and apart from when I f**k things up, the ICS experience is smooth sailing. Maybe I've been using GB and HC for too long but ICS is definitely not as bad as you make it out to be. Which devices do you own? I have...
  25. T

    Looking for tablet for mom

    Whilst I entirely agree with you that a non tech person should get an iPad (well, depending on what they want, my landlord is 60yo and he bought an Asus Transformer TF300 which I'm mentoring him on how to use) I think you are talking out of your arse if you think ICS causes force closes/crashes...
  26. T

    Nvidia GTX 660 Ti Detailed

    If this card costs around 200 quid (250USD converted to £ + 20% VAT) then I'll be snapping it up instantly. However, I can see many retailers still have the GTX570 at 200 quid so... what the heck is going to happen?
  27. T

    AMD Cutting Prices of 7x00 series GPUs

    Price for the 7870 is still too high. I really wish Nvidia would get the 660 out the door already!
  28. T

    Full system or Graphics card upgrade?

    That's true but on the other hand, and this is a very silly thing; I fancy going Nvidia so I can turn on Physx in a few games (like Mirror's edge, Batman:AA and Metro 2033 (?)). I know it's stupid but in some cases, like Batman, it makes a big difference to the atmosphere. I think I'll wait for...
  29. T

    Best video setup for IRacing? Upgrade from 5970?

    Holy moses, how much is that setup worth? Just curious...
  30. T

    Full system or Graphics card upgrade?

    Yeah, I was pretty close to buying a used 5850 for Crossfire but then I read how much issues there were. I am inclined to hold out for the 660 too, if only for the price war it'll create but also because I want to return to Nvidia after two cards worth of ATi/AMD. August can't come soon enough!
  31. T

    Kid racks up a bill over 1000 pound on his dads credit card

    More like over 1500 USD (1k GBP)...
  32. T

    Full system or Graphics card upgrade?

    Hey, so to revisit on my upgrade; was worth it and as predicted the release of Ivybridge didn't send the SBs plummeting in price. I've still got a slightly inch regarding my graphics card but I only want to spend 200 pounds which in the UK would only get me a 7850 or a GTX570. Not really...
  33. T

    Add another HD6870 or get HD7950?

    Aren't most 6870 of the 1GB VRAM variety? In which case that along would mean you should aim for something better like the 7870 or the 7950, if your budget allows it; especially if you plan to go multi display by next year etc.
  34. T

    Get ready to hate Windows 8, $39.99 upgrades from XP or higher

    I've still got a few systems at home running on XP so this "cheap" deal is an easy way to upgrade them. Definitely keeping my gaming rig on Win 7 but I'll buy a Win 8 upgrade license for "future" proofing, who knows what underhanded tactics MS might use to make you upgrade eh?
  35. T

    Baldur's Gate and Badur's Gate II Enhanced Edition officially just announced

    And where's the Android tablet version? :(
  36. T

    Motofail: ICS updates practically cancelled?

    I wouldn't mind being stuck on Honeycomb but there are some major issues like keyboard lag which is supposed to be addressed in ICS for the Xoom. So in this case, it is imperative that they release updates as it has a very real impact on the product.
  37. T

    Motofail: ICS updates practically cancelled?

    Partially wrong, the US wi fi version has it but aside from Canada last week the entire world is still waiting for ICS (myself included in the UK). Motorola are a disgrace to the Android world; they should spend less money on lawsuits and more on getting these updates out there!
  38. T

    Upgrading from 5850, should I go with 7850 or 670? Or something else?

    I don't see how they can even be compared unless he meant the 7870... even then we're talking about a 50 quid price difference (in UK the 670 is ~£320 and 7870 is ~£270).
  39. T

    Proposed World’s Tallest Building Would be 3,445 Feet High

    Skyscrapers are indicative of excess; prelude to a recession. Well, according to one study that is...
  40. T

    Anyone else think that Video Card Prices are out of Control!?!

    Yeah but buying last gen for me would be the 6900 series... they're an improvement on the 5850 but not a big enough leap (unlike when I went from 4850 to the 5850).