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  1. R

    Doom 3 won't run in Win2k3 Server :(

    What the hell are you running a Win 2k3 server on your main box?
  2. R

    Local Gamestop says Doom 3 on the july 31!!

    A sale is a sale, plus the sooner you sell it, the less people will go to warez it, no? I know that id has said if stores get it early to just sell it...and it's my guess that's for the exact reasons you stated. It keeps piracy down and increases sales.
  3. R

    Local Gamestop says Doom 3 on the july 31!!

    ^^^^^^^ Yeah, some people from the IGN Boards are reporting the same thing as well. :confused: :confused:
  4. R

    Local Gamestop says Doom 3 on the july 31!!

    I post on the IGN Board under the same name. Another poster there who works for GameStop called his regional manager who said that Gamestops will NOT have the game this Saturday. Apparantly, the July 31 date in the computer system...
  5. R

    Geforce 3 ti200 on win 2k3 server

    Server 2k3 is not the ideal platform for any kind of gaming. That OS is built to run Microsoft Server software (IIS, SQL Server, etc etc). You may want to consider moving to XP Professional or Win 2k Professional.