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  • Hello Kaizerdan ! Can you help me in terms of cooling i5-760 in SG07. Mobo was H55N-UD3 ... I've read suggestions in the forum but I did the secure what could be better! Do you perhaps know for the option Cooltek CoolForce 2 CPU ... Did it fit. I need urgent help. Thanks
    Hello Kaizerdan ! Can you help me in terms of cooling i5-760 in SG07. Mobo was H55N-UD3 ... I've read suggestions in the forum but I did the secure what could be better! Do you perhaps know for the option Cooltek CoolForce 2 CPU ... Did it fit. I need urgent help. Thanks
    Hey Dan, you have your SG07 rig specs in your sig but you didnt say which heatink youre using? Are you using the stock heatsink or an aftermarket one?

    Im thinking about doing a SG07 with an i5-750 and a 5870 but I dont know what heatsink to use since its so limited for this board.

    If you could, could you tell me what heatsink youre using and the temps you get on the cores?
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