Russia Says It's Assembled a Lithography Machine, Will Make 350nm Chips

I never said they were "unscathed". They're fighting (and winning) a war! Against NATO expansion into their back yard that they warned against for decades. Neutrality for Ukraine, simple stuff. They consider it existential to their survival whether you agree with them or not! Deal with it!

They're two years into a two week campaign, how impressive.

Also, if you think this is all about NATO, then you don't know the history of Russia or the history of Ukraine particularly well. Russia's been trying to Russify Ukraine since before the United States was even a country.
They're two years into a two week campaign, how impressive.

Also, if you think this is all about NATO, then you don't know the history of Russia or the history of Ukraine particularly well. Russia's been trying to Russify Ukraine since before the United States was even a country.

That's a completely hypocritical statement. You can figure out why if you're living in the Western Hemisphere protected by the Monroe Doctrine and the military power of Washington DC. Done with thread because politics.
Perish the thought that we discuss the important stuff ...

Nato was on its way out. After the failure in Afghanistan it was finished. It required more life support than any pope ever received. Russia's escalation of the war in Ukraine is one of the more counter-productive strategic decisions since Bush jr's though it was a good idea to invade iraq to, among other things, "combat terrorism".
350 nm chips ... wow.



But whatever you want to tell yourself.

Before you say "western propaganda blah blah blah", his Peter the Great speech was available on the Russian embassy's website, which is where I read it. He's made his intentions clear, but you can believe whatever you want.
It's not whatever I want to tell myself, it's whatever is true. If he'd made such an intention clear, you could've posted a link to it instead of links to him simply saying the breakup of the USSR was a tragedy (he also said anyone wanting to restore it has no brain) and to a comment about taking back historically-Russian territories in Donbass. That's a far cry from your assertion. I don't think people should believe just anything they want, but what can be substantiated. It's you who's believing something that isn't substantiated, and so are telling yourself whatever you want.

They're two years into a two week campaign, how impressive.

Also, if you think this is all about NATO, then you don't know the history of Russia or the history of Ukraine particularly well. Russia's been trying to Russify Ukraine since before the United States was even a country.
Russia never gave a timeline for its operation. Your comments seem to be hearsay from unreliable sources. But come to the Soapbox forum to continue this discussion. I've made a detailed reply for you there.
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Russia has to start somewhere. Regardless of politics, I think anybody trying (or advancing) in this area of technology is welcome.


But whatever you want to tell yourself.

Before you say "western propaganda blah blah blah", his Peter the Great speech was available on the Russian embassy's website, which is where I read it. He's made his intentions clear, but you can believe whatever you want.
Neither of those reports stand for the proposition you claim, but keep grasping at straws.
That's a completely hypocritical statement. You can figure out why if you're living in the Western Hemisphere protected by the Monroe Doctrine and the military power of Washington DC. Done with thread because politics.

My family is actually from the region in question, but please, feel free to explain to me the idiosyncrasies of the situation and the history of the cultures involved.
It's not whatever I want to tell myself, it's whatever is true. If he'd made such an intention clear, you could've posted a link to it instead of links to him simply saying the breakup of the USSR was a tragedy (he also said anyone wanting to restore it has no brain) and to a comment about taking back historically-Russian territories in Donbass. That's a far cry from your assertion. I don't think people should believe just anything they want, but what can be substantiated. It's you who's believing something that isn't substantiated, and so are telling yourself whatever you want.

Russia never gave a timeline for its operation. Your comments seem to be hearsay from unreliable sources. But come to the Soapbox forum to continue this discussion. I've made a detailed reply for you there.

Ok thanks Tucker Carlson, much appreciated. I now have a much better understanding of my own familial history and culture. Enjoy your weekend.
The International Court of Justice shot-down the (obviously-false) genocide claim, Russia has complete control of the battlefield, and Russia's economy is doing better than ever before, is out-performing all Western economies by a very-large margin, and looks set to continue outperforming the West into the foreseeable future. The sanctions have been effective mainly at forcing the international community to dump the West and re-align themselves around Russia, China, and other non-Western countries.

Last year, Russia had real-wages growth (the increase of wages after factoring in inflation - which means Russians became wealthier, after inflation) of 7.8%, while all Western countries had real-wages decline (which means Westerners became poorer). And the same thing is happening this year. World Economics, and now World Bank (reportedly, haven't yet seen the data), have released their 2024 GDP estimates showing Russia's GDP PPP becoming the 4th-largest in the world this year, surpassing Japan's economy, after Russia surpassed Germany's in 2022. That's still before factoring-in Russia's uncommonly-large black / informal economy, which is estimated to represent anywhere from 15% to 40% of Russia's total GDP (for comparison, Japan's informal economy is estimated to be around just 9% of its total GDP).

And it's not simply a wartime economy that's driving Russia's growth. Diversification of economy has been a significant project of the government for years, and business of all kinds has been growing in Russia. A lot of Western businesses that were operating in Russia have lost market share to homegrown replacements that are now also taking market share from Western companies in global trade.

Just a few perception-correcting things to point out.

I'm not sure why you put something Putin's never said in quotations. Restoring the Soviet Union has never been a goal of Putin's, and he said anyone who wants to restore the Soviet Union has no brain.

Car sales in Russia have been soaring, most of them being Russian brands, with Chinese brands being the next biggest sellers (China is making some nice cars for very cheap, these days - and the US govt isn't happy about that). Calling Russia's economy a full war economy is an exaggeration and part of sneering propaganda that seems to be what is most valued in Western media sources, rather than objective information that could lead to effective decisions being made.

Russia has one of the most educated societies in the world, and produces the most engineers in the world. So whatever amount of people exited Russia before probably aren't going to leave Russia in dire straits. And reportedly half of the Russians who left Russia have since returned.

Click any of these for larger versions with the details readable:

View attachment 657002 View attachment 657003 View attachment 657004 View attachment 657005 View attachment 657007 View attachment 657008 View attachment 657010

From start to finish, everything the West has claimed about Russia (since basically always), Ukraine, the Ukraine war, and the West's role in it has been nothing but lies. But bad information leads to bad policies. And the propensity of Western propaganda to tell people self-gratifying fiction that doesn't have even one toe in reality has been making the West's downfall a lot bigger and harsher than it needed to be. When reading comments of that type, part of me wants to not respond but just ignore them, because they're so disconnected from reality. But another part wants to at least try to quell some of the misinformation.
So are you a chatbot or a paid troll?
My family is actually from the region in question, but please, feel free to explain to me the idiosyncrasies of the situation and the history of the cultures involved.

Your family is from the "region in question". Got it. Were they at Maidan when Victoria Nuland was handing out cookies? Are they fans of Stepan Bandera, or do they speak Russian? Only Americans have enough hubris to believe they have the authority to install puppet regimes in foreign countries that border other nuclear powers. How stupid was that coup anyway. If The Kremlin did that in Mexico City and burned Americans alive in churches, while building up a Russian army, it wouldn't have taken the US military 8 years to invade. More like 8 minutes.

I have no dog in this fight. I apologize to you if this is personal on any level. It does not change the facts on the ground. Nobody had to die in Ukraine. Putin is no hawk he is a moderate. NATO in Ukraine and Georgia was a NO GO and the west went in anyway. Imagine an actual Russian hawk in command today, we could already be dead in a thermonuclear exchange. It is INSANITY to push this. Ukrainians who love their children....Kick out the Americans and their actor, call for peace negotiations, and SAVE what is left of your country!

(Mod feel free to remove if too political. I am done this time I swear)
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Only Americans have enough hubris to believe they have the authority to install puppet regimes in foreign countries that border other nuclear powers. How stupid was that coup anyway.
A "coup" done by Ukrainians.

I have no dog in this fight. I apologize to you if this is personal on any level. It does not change the facts on the ground. Nobody had to die in Ukraine. Putin is no hawk he is a moderate.
Uh. Just ask the family of Alexei Navalny. Or listen to his speeches about the disintegration of the USSR. Or the way that Yevgeniy Prigozhin died.
Such strong opinions with so little knowledge of what happened to ethnic Russians in the east after the installation of a Banderite far-right ethnonationalist government in Kiev. Typical western ignorance. If only you knew the type of "freedom fighters" your tax dollars have been funding for decades in order to destroy entire nations all over the world. Sad. I'm done here and I need to stop.

"The goal is NOT to win these wars. The goal is to use the wars to wash money out of the tax bases of the United States and out of the tax bases of European countries and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. THAT is the goal. To have ENDLESS wars, NOT SUCCESSFUL wars." ~ Julian Ass.ange - Stop the War Interview - 8 October 2011
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Why are there Vatniks in a tech thread? :p
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Easy. They get paid enough money. But not in almost worthless rubles, you can be sure.
I just wish that they'd keep it in the soapbox, there's a reason I made the conscious decision to not get a genmay sub after a couple of the free weekends many moons ago.
I just wish that they'd keep it in the soapbox, there's a reason I made the conscious decision to not get a genmay sub after a couple of the free weekends many moons ago.
soapbox is not the entirety of genmay, you should get a sub to support the entire site. i do agree that all this should be in soapbox though...
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So are you a chatbot or a paid troll?
Just someone correcting your misconceptions. You're welcome.

Easy. They get paid enough money. But not in almost worthless rubles, you can be sure.
If you really feel a need to tell yourself things like that to cope with being corrected, you'll never learn anything.

Here's another insight for you: the lower the rouble goes, the more profit Russia makes on its exports - and Russia has the 2nd-largest trade surplus in the world. A low rouble doesn't hurt Russia, it helps it.
A "coup" done by Ukrainians.
A coup is the illegal overthrow of a government - it doesn't matter who does it.

I'll create a thread detailing comprehensively how the coup in Ukraine that was orchestrated by the US and West (who have recently been replaying the script in Georgia) played-out in the Soapbox forum. I hope you'll come and see it. I assure you it will be eye-opening.

Edit: Done. Here's a link to it.
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A coup is the illegal overthrow of a government - it doesn't matter who does it.

I'll create a thread detailing comprehensively how the coup in Ukraine that was orchestrated by the US and West (who have recently been replaying the script in Georgia) played-out in the Soapbox forum. I hope you're come and see it. I assure you it will be eye-opening.
its already documented pretty well in the "do you think" thread...
its already documented pretty well in the "do you think" thread...
Thanks for the heads-up, I'll be sure to check it out. But I'm confident that I'll be able to provide a much more collected and extensively-detailed overview, with many details people probably hadn't been aware of before.
Your family is from the "region in question". Got it. Were they at Maidan when Victoria Nuland was handing out cookies? Are they fans of Stepan Bandera, or do they speak Russian? Only Americans have enough hubris to believe they have the authority to install puppet regimes in foreign countries that border other nuclear powers. How stupid was that coup anyway. If The Kremlin did that in Mexico City and burned Americans alive in churches, while building up a Russian army, it wouldn't have taken the US military 8 years to invade. More like 8 minutes.

I have no dog in this fight. I apologize to you if this is personal on any level. It does not change the facts on the ground. Nobody had to die in Ukraine. Putin is no hawk he is a moderate. NATO in Ukraine and Georgia was a NO GO and the west went in anyway. Imagine an actual Russian hawk in command today, we could already be dead in a thermonuclear exchange. It is INSANITY to push this. Ukrainians who love their children....Kick out the Americans and their actor, call for peace negotiations, and SAVE what is left of your country!

(Mod feel free to remove if too political. I am done this time I swear)

Well, since you asked, and since you like to make assumptions about people and their lived experiences, we had to move West because my grandfather was on the KGB’s hit list. I turns out your government trying to kill you is a great incentive to leave a country. He spoke 5 languages, Russian among them, but being from West Ukraine, Ukrainian was his first, Polish was his second. A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian because Russia has, at various times throughout history, banned the teaching of the Ukrainian language in the Ukrainian territories they controlled and forced people to learn Russian as part of a strategy to absorb the territory. It's a great way to disconnect people from their cultural identity and absorb them into your own.

No one on my family is a far right Ukrainian nationalist and, considering our split Ukrainian-Polish lineage, and none of us support far right Ukrainian nationalism, since far right Ukrainian nationalists targeted Poles as well. That said, you don’t have to be a far right Ukrainian nationalist to understand the history of Russia and Ukraine, but considering you're someone who says they want to discuss "the facts of the ground" in the same breath as declaring Putin, a former KGB agent who imprisons and kills political opponents and annexes the sovereign territory of other nations, as a moderate, well, I'm not convinced that facts are your primary concern.

The fact that matters is that Russia signed an agreement called the Budapest Memorandum in 1994 where they agreed to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity post 1991 in exchange for Ukraine giving up it's nuclear weapons. That included Crimea, but they way. Putin, "the moderate", chose to ignore the agreement his country signed and invaded anyway. But yeah, this is all NATO's fault and stuff.

Lastly, there's a reason that Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, etc, have all joined NATO, and Georgia and Ukraine want to. They could have joined the CSTO and remained in Russia's sphere of influence, as Putin wants, but they, as sovereign nations, chose to align themselves with the West, because Russia is viewed as an existential threat to them. The United States is not.