Free Microsoft with ads?


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2020
What if the paid version of Windows had no ads but a version without using a serial key would have ads?
What if the paid version of Windows had no ads but a version without using a serial key would have ads?
No one would want it...and people would then just find ways to block the ad's somehow.

Instead just install it, not activate and just not be able to change your taskbar or desktop settings..
No one would want it...and people would then just find ways to block the ad's somehow.

Instead just install it, not activate and just not be able to change your taskbar or desktop settings..

Ads would have to be intrusive to even be of value to advertisers.

Would need telemetry to provide information that ads are viewed. Not going to be enticing to end users.
Honestly people kinda abuse the "free" licenses. And it is no way acceptable for the paid version to have adds like it does.

So I think it would be reasonable to have an actual free version with deliberate adds, and to remove all that nonsense from the people who paid for the license

I just abuse the windows server "trial" period on all my rigs. No win 10 adds or nonsense, compatible with everything win 10,11 is, and less annoying then the consumer os.
What if the paid version of Windows had no ads but a version without using a serial key would have ads?
Then microsoft would chuck ads into at least some paid versions. Dark patterns would be nudging people towards the ad-infected versions so that microsoft can pretend paying customers want ads and put them in all but the most expensive versions.

On top of all that, the ad-less versions would be more expensive than windows is now and, of course, microsoft will be peddling their own shit in all versions.