Unreal Envisioned Through Unreal 4 Eyes


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
It has only been a few months since we got reminded of Unreal's 20th birthday. If you missed out on the freebie, you can still grab it for $10. There are some folks that are making an effort to bring the old favorite, albeit somewhat reimagined, in Unreal Engine 4. Looks a bit shaky to me, but also a very good start.

Check out the video.
I am all for a remake of Unreal. It is still one of my top 5 favorite games.
I would be into playing it. Please retain the original music and sound effects. The music and sound effects were just as important as the graphics were in the original.
That's not too bad actually. However, I have seen better "reimaginings" of other games in UE4 before. I think the waterfall could use a bit of work for one thing. Still, I'd play a refreshed Unreal in a hear beat. I love that game.
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Nope not just you. Looks bad. If epic would just hand a total conversion of to another developer in the Unreal 4 engine.
Maybe its me but that looks horrible.

Hehe, I was trying to be polite with my post, but since you said it. :D Some of it wasn't too bad, but overall, not quite Epic or Digital Extremes quality work for sure.
I remember getting that quality from my Voodoo card using GLIDE and .ini tweaks.
This will be interesting. Capitalizing on the recent retro/nostalgia wave.

I remember getting that quality from my Voodoo card using GLIDE and .ini tweaks.
Unreal was/is great in Glide. Was playing it in Win98 with a Voodoo4 last night.
I always loved the Unreal Castle time demo. I'd love to see a remake of that.
I always loved the Unreal Castle time demo. I'd love to see a remake of that.

Exactly, that demo is timeless and would have been a much better place to start with a reimagined engine demo.

I had a 300a (450MHz), Abit BH6, 256mb, Voodoo 2 and 17” Sony Triniton IIRC.
I remember contributing some monsters models to this project. I highly doubt this project will get finished, its WAY too damn ambitious, I would prefer them to try to rem-make 3 key 'levels' and then fill in the gaps, instead of whole-hog go start to finish.


This is the Titan and a mock-up of the 'dark arena' I made.
That would be a good retro CPU. Bit older than the Voodoo4. Running mine with an Athlon 1700.

I had a celeron 300a -> OC to 450 using a voodoo3, then a voodoo4... so in the same time frame. Pretty sure I sold that system with the voodoo 4 in it around 2002, might have had a whopping 512mb ram in it, which for the time on early XP days was a ton.
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Wish Epic Games would finish the new Unreal Tournament.

Yeah :/

I remember downloading the UT99 demo over dial up, literally took all fucking day. Ran at like 20 fps at 320x240. My next upgrade was a Pentium 4 / GeForce 4 a couple years down the line. Just about shit myself. Very shortly after got cable internet. 300 ping to 15ms and 3kbps downloads to a near megabyte a second on a good day.

Then UT03 came around, I thought it sucked ween. UT04 dropped, it was titties. Came in 2nd in a tournament, barely not winning a 5200fx or something. Still have the Nvidia t-shirt I won instead. It's probably faster.
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Huh, that video really didn't look as good as I expected. At times it was hard to tell what was from 98 and what was in the new engine. Weird.

But seriously, screw Fortnight and even Tournament. I would LOVE to play a fully modernized visual overhaul of the single-player Unreal 1. It already had some of the most memorable audio of any game ever - don't even need to re-do the sound.
While I can appreciate the time and effort put into this, there's nothing that will ever top Unreal being played on a Matrox G400 back in the day when the game was fresh to the market. They can add all the special graphics gimmicks they want, insanely large textures, MORE LENS FLARE, and whatever else, but nothing will compare to that experience of playing that game the first time long ago with that hardware.

It was... Unreal. :p
Unreal was and still is my favorite single player game. I remember as a kid sitting in my room with the lights off all night playing it. The ambient sounds... Yeah, I would love to play it again. In fact, I installed it a couple years ago but couldnt get it to play. I've never been so immersed in a game like it. I wish I could find a newer game like that.
I can remember when I discovered the observer mode and the codes to disable clipping. I was finally able to find where people were hiding and sniping from - good times! Plus it was fun to watch the really good players play. Twitch before it's time. Better than Twitch since I controlled the camera and could watch whatever part of the map I wanted.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, that must have been Unreal Tournament - getting old sucks.
I had a celeron 300a -> OC to 450 using a voodoo3, then a voodoo4... so in the same time frame. Pretty sure I sold that system with the voodoo 4 in it around 2002, might have had a whopping 512mb ram in it, which for the time on early XP days was a ton.
Good point. I do have a 400mhz P2 system I could try. Always figured it would bottleneck the Voodoo4. Only one way to find out. Not sure how much SDRAM that I have though. At least 128mb that the system came with originally. Remember my friends being gobsmacked by that. And the Nvidia TNT1 card too. At the time many were convinced you needed a 3dfx card to render games in 3D. Was an interesting time in the PC world for sure.
Wish Epic Games would finish the new Unreal Tournament.

Last time I played it a couple months ago it was a downright awful experience. A mere shell of its former self.

I actually prefer the original over this mock up. Man that music takes me back......Installing now. :)
Last time I played it a couple months ago it was a downright awful experience. A mere shell of its former self.

I actually prefer the original over this mock up. Man that music takes me back......Installing now. :)

As much as I hate to admit it, I doubt the recent reboot will ever see a release, and the consensus in the community is that the development was aimless and uninspired.

The point of UT 2018/UT4 was to create a F2P game that would be able to be monetized through micro transactions, which is pretty much what Fortnite accomplished with flying colours.
As much as I hate to admit it, I doubt the recent reboot will ever see a release, and the consensus in the community is that the development was aimless and uninspired.

The point of UT 2018/UT4 was to create a F2P game that would be able to be monetized through micro transactions, which is pretty much what Fortnite accomplished with flying colours.

Freaken Fortnite, I tried to get into it then I realized I wasn't 12 years old anymore.
One of the greatest games of the era. Truly a masterpiece in terms of graphics, sound, and level design. I honestly would rather keep it the way it is for the sake of nostalgia unless they plan on doing a remake with all new high resolution and high detail textures as we saw in the remakes of Halo 1 and 2. That is how you do a remake.