Sony is Locking Fortnite Accounts to PS4


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
If you're a player of Fortnite on the PS4 you should just resign yourself to the fact that Sony isn't going to let you use the same Fortnite account on another platform. They are continuing their policy of keeping that garden walled off and no matter what you do you'll have to make a separate Fortnite account on your Switch or Xbox. Seems like a strange stance to take if you ask me since the game is F2P. Anyway, could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back since this is the biggest F2P game out there? I'm not going to hold my breath.

That's likely of little solace to PS4 players who want to take the game on the go with their Switch and who received no previous warning that playing on Sony's system would effectively hold their account hostage to that console for all time. NPD analyst Mat Piscatella notes on Twitter that 40 percent of Switch owners in the US also own a PS4, meaning this isn't likely to be a small-scale problem among the tens of millions of Fortnite players.
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.

As someone who owns a PS4, Sony has been incredibly anti-consumer when it comes to cross-play with other platforms. It's not just with Fortnite.
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.

That's not what this is about. This isn't about cross platform gaming.

This is about if you played Fortnite on a PS4, and linked your THIRD PARTY Epic account, then your Epic account is permanently tainted and cannot be used to play Fortnite on any other platform. Ever.

This isn't about cross play with your friends on other systems, this is about being able to use your account that you have invested time into to play the game on whatever platform you want.

Microsoft doesn't care. Epic doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't care. Play on whatever you want.

Sony is the only company trying to strong arm players and at best it's going to result in some bad press, and at worst legislative action.
That's not what this is about. This isn't about cross platform gaming.

This is about if you played Fortnite on a PS4, and linked your THIRD PARTY Epic account, then your Epic account is permanently tainted and cannot be used to play Fortnite on any other platform. Ever.

This isn't about cross play with your friends on other systems, this is about being able to use your account that you have invested time into to play the game on whatever platform you want.

Microsoft doesn't care. Epic doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't care. Play on whatever you want.

Sony is the only company trying to strong arm players and at best it's going to result in some bad press, and at worst legislative action.

You forgot one...I dont care.
The locking of the account when logging into another console sounds more like EPICs fault for even letting that happen.

Sony is still better then both nintendo and microsoft who both charge you online sub to even play free to play games online.
As someone who owns a PS4, Sony has been incredibly anti-consumer when it comes to cross-play with other platforms. It's not just with Fortnite.

No kidding, they realize that a significant amount of sales are due to people buying Ps4 to play with friends on the platform. Duh.
What is strange is that the EPIC accounts remain locked out even when a user has gone through the process to "unlink" their EPIC account from their PS4 account. To me that would seem to be on EPIC's end to fix (how can Sony hold an account hostage if it's unlinked?).
The locking of the account when logging into another console sounds more like EPICs fault for even letting that happen.

Sony is still better then both nintendo and microsoft who both charge you online sub to even play free to play games online.

Huh? Sony requires a PS+ subscription to play online. That's a $60 annual sub. Xbox requires the same thing, but at least their cards are almost always on sale.

Nintendo's online subscription doesn't start until September and it's only $20/year.
That's not what this is about. This isn't about cross platform gaming.

This is about if you played Fortnite on a PS4, and linked your THIRD PARTY Epic account, then your Epic account is permanently tainted and cannot be used to play Fortnite on any other platform. Ever.

This isn't about cross play with your friends on other systems, this is about being able to use your account that you have invested time into to play the game on whatever platform you want.

Microsoft doesn't care. Epic doesn't care. Nintendo doesn't care. Play on whatever you want.

Sony is the only company trying to strong arm players and at best it's going to result in some bad press, and at worst legislative action.

sony really should stop fucking around on this. im not hardcore fortnite player, but do play with friends on ps4, pc and want to on the switch as well
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.

Maybe you should get an entire grip on the situation. The explanation below is the true reason for the outrage:

I think its more about primarily Sony Bricking their EPIC accounts which in theory they should not reasonably have the power to do. All the secondary fluff is how Sony are being a bit douchey.

I don't care about cross play. I've played 99.9% of the time on my PC. However, there was one time where I logged into the PS4 to play Fortnite because my buddy asked me to play with him. Since I played ONCE on the PS4 I now cannot use my account to play on my Switch which I use extensively while traveling. All because my account is locked from being used on a Switch or Xbox One.

Block cross play all you want, but don't block my entire fucking account from being used on other platforms because I logged in using your platform ONCE. And especially don't block my entire account when there is zero warning/caution/notice that I'll be locked to it before doing so.
The locking of the account when logging into another console sounds more like EPICs fault for even letting that happen.

Sony is still better then both nintendo and microsoft who both charge you online sub to even play free to play games online.

Euh ? You need PSN+ to play online...
EDIT: Will need to try to see that for myself. Why wouldn't they charge if they charge everyone else ? I'm already pissed that they said they would provide dedicated server and I do not recall seen any...
Okay I'm dumb, explain this to me:

You make a Fortnite account, which is controlled by Epic. You play it on a PS4. You later try to play it on a Switch, but you can't, because it's tied to the PS4. How does Sony have that level of control? Shouldn't it be Epic that decides if it works on another platform or not?
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.

You forgot something. Not everyone wants a shit ps4.
Okay I'm dumb, explain this to me:

You make a Fortnite account, which is controlled by Epic. You play it on a PS4. You later try to play it on a Switch, but you can't, because it's tied to the PS4. How does Sony have that level of control? Shouldn't it be Epic that decides if it works on another platform or not?
Depends on the language on the contracts you have to sign to have your game licensed/distributed on PS4/PSN. Penalties could range from fines, to termination of distribution agreements, to blocking of services.
As a huge Sony supporter for reasons that are obvious, especially with E3 this year, their support for their developers is beyond tremendous, this is fucking stupid. There is zero reason they need to be doing this, and the longer they forego addressing the situation, the stronger the backlash is getting.

You forgot something. Not everyone wants a shit ps4.

There it is, that one comment that isn't at all necessary, but it still gets posted at least once per thread, reminding us that abc and xyz are shit and/or garbage. Thanks for the input clown.
I bet all the whiners don't even own a PS4. This is exactly why PS4 is so far ahead of XBox.

You get a console so everyone is on the same playing field. The only reason MS went cross play is because they have no users. And so they threw the gamers under the bus.

I bet its the same folks talking about how good the Xbox X is (it is) but have no idea the cost. The One/Slim is different physical architecture than the X. Unlike the Pro which is almost a simple toggle to enable more GPU cores(you know what happens when you actually plan ahead?). There is literally just voodoo to guesstimate that competitive games on the X are "fair" against the One/Slim.

These low information users dont realize, power wise its One/Slim --> PS4 ----> Pro --> X
You see what not planning does. Do they really cripple competitive games to make the X as weak as the One/Slim?

It's a console. Gamers just want to game. Which Sony has been giving a lot of for a long time.

Bleh. Puke,....
Depends on the language on the contracts you have to sign to have your game licensed/distributed on PS4/PSN. Penalties could range from fines, to termination of distribution agreements, to blocking of services.
Ah okay, yeah, they generally do get to call the shots on their own platform. My mistake was I was thinking of it from a technical standpoint, not a legal one.
Cry me a river. If you want to play with your friends who are playing on PS4, you need a PS4. Sony is under no obligation to open up it's platform to 3rd party competitors. If you want an OPEN platform, then play on PC, it's as simple as that.

It should also be noted that while the group complaining about no cross play is very vocal, it's a small minority of PS4 owners who even PLAY Fortnite (approximately 3.4 million players as of June 8th, vs 79.5 million PS4s sold to date)...and a smaller percentage of THOSE players who even have an interest in cross play with the Switch. Certainly not enough people to justify the crucifixion Sony is getting online over the issue.
I normally agree, except that whichever console is "in the lead" does this. Last time it was 360 blocking PS3, when Sony wanted Xplatform.

Sony and Microsoft both need to accept each other exist and to play nice.
As a huge Sony supporter for reasons that are obvious, especially with E3 this year, their support for their developers is beyond tremendous, this is fucking stupid. There is zero reason they need to be doing this, and the longer they forego addressing the situation, the stronger the backlash is getting.

There it is, that one comment that isn't at all necessary, but it still gets posted at least once per thread, reminding us that abc and xyz are shit and/or garbage. Thanks for the input clown.

It was necessary to put a person in their place. Please keep up with the thread.
It was necessary to put a person in their place. Please keep up with the thread.

I understand the original poster didn't understand the situation and was just spewing anger, but your comment does nothing but further the negativity. I fail to see how it "puts them in their place" too.
I understand the original poster didn't understand the situation and was just spewing anger, but your comment does nothing but further the negativity. I fail to see how it "puts them in their place" too.

Your point is? If you don't like my comment please report it. When you become a mod then you can try to tell me what I can and can't post.
Maybe you should get an entire grip on the situation. The explanation below is the true reason for the outrage:

I don't care about cross play. I've played 99.9% of the time on my PC. However, there was one time where I logged into the PS4 to play Fortnite because my buddy asked me to play with him. Since I played ONCE on the PS4 I now cannot use my account to play on my Switch which I use extensively while traveling. All because my account is locked from being used on a Switch or Xbox One.

Block cross play all you want, but don't block my entire fucking account from being used on other platforms because I logged in using your platform ONCE. And especially don't block my entire account when there is zero warning/caution/notice that I'll be locked to it before doing so.

This is the real situation, the fact that an account completely unrelated to the platform it blocked from use anywhere else, once you register it on one particular platform. I honestly can't believe that they still haven't addressed it, and instead took the opportunity to boast about their sales figures.
All my friends who own a PS4 agree that Sony is making a big mistake blocking cross platform.

It is definitely the next step. I always think about games with low player population benefitting the most from cross play.
I normally agree, except that whichever console is "in the lead" does this. Last time it was 360 blocking PS3, when Sony wanted Xplatform.

Sony and Microsoft both need to accept each other exist and to play nice.

They really don't. One, as I pointed out, a SMALL fraction of the gamers on the platform are actually demanding the feature...and two, it makes more financial sense for Sony to keep their platform separate from the others, as people who want to play with their friends will buy a console themselves. This is a huge reason why PS4 is at almost 80 million in sales, and the Xbox is 3rd in a 3 man race, with 1/3 the sales of their competitor.

Again, if you don't like it, play on PC...Oh wait...even MS won't let you cross play between their UWP apps and Steam! LOL
I bet all the whiners don't even own a PS4. This is exactly why PS4 is so far ahead of XBox.

You get a console so everyone is on the same playing field. The only reason MS went cross play is because they have no users. And so they threw the gamers under the bus.

I bet its the same folks talking about how good the Xbox X is (it is) but have no idea the cost. The One/Slim is different physical architecture than the X. Unlike the Pro which is almost a simple toggle to enable more GPU cores(you know what happens when you actually plan ahead?). There is literally just voodoo to guesstimate that competitive games on the X are "fair" against the One/Slim.

These low information users dont realize, power wise its One/Slim --> PS4 ----> Pro --> X
You see what not planning does. Do they really cripple competitive games to make the X as weak as the One/Slim?

It's a console. Gamers just want to game. Which Sony has been giving a lot of for a long time.

Bleh. Puke,....

Then don't buy one. Simple. But don't bitch that you can't crossplay with your friends who ARE playing on PS4.
Are you guys trolling or just dense?
Maybe you should get an entire grip on the situation. The explanation below is the true reason for the outrage:

I don't care about cross play. I've played 99.9% of the time on my PC. However, there was one time where I logged into the PS4 to play Fortnite because my buddy asked me to play with him. Since I played ONCE on the PS4 I now cannot use my account to play on my Switch which I use extensively while traveling. All because my account is locked from being used on a Switch or Xbox One.

Block cross play all you want, but don't block my entire fucking account from being used on other platforms because I logged in using your platform ONCE. And especially don't block my entire account when there is zero warning/caution/notice that I'll be locked to it before doing so.

Wow. A sane version of such a system wouldn't let you convert an existing Epic account to the PS4 one in the first place. The current system isn't a walled garden, it's a black hole.

Hell, you could argue that it's some kind of fraud, since it encourages users to buy a PS4 to play Fortnite in a very sneaky way. If I were Epic, I'd fix this ASAP to avoid some kind of class-action lawsuit.
Are you guys trolling or just dense?

Sony is protecting their gamers by not allowing a different platforms account to contaminate it.

The whole point of consoles is it just works and everyone has same setup aka it's "fair".

Don't try to bring keyboard/mouse and 1080 ti earnings into a controller domain.

Console is to get away from all that crap. Just play games and have fun.

Edit, to be clear, since fortnite is only e-peen and no impact to game play. Locking them ftom leaving has the same effect.
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Sony is protecting their gamers by not allowing a different platforms account to contaminate it.

The whole point of consoles is it just works and everyone has same setup aka it's "fair".

Don't try to bring keyboard/mouse and 1080 ti earnings into a controller domain.

Console is to get away from all that crap. Just play games and have fun.

Edit, to be clear, since fortnite is only e-peen and no impact to game play. Locking them ftom leaving has the same effect.

Dude. You are hilarious.
Sony is protecting their gamers by not allowing a different platforms account to contaminate it.

The whole point of consoles is it just works and everyone has same setup aka it's "fair".

Don't try to bring keyboard/mouse and 1080 ti earnings into a controller domain.

Console is to get away from all that crap. Just play games and have fun.

Edit, to be clear, since fortnite is only e-peen and no impact to game play. Locking them ftom leaving has the same effect. are aware that Sony allows crossplay with PC and mobile...right? They just don't allow crossplay with the Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.
Sony is protecting their gamers by not allowing a different platforms account to contaminate it.

The whole point of consoles is it just works and everyone has same setup aka it's "fair".

Don't try to bring keyboard/mouse and 1080 ti earnings into a controller domain.

Console is to get away from all that crap. Just play games and have fun.

Edit, to be clear, since fortnite is only e-peen and no impact to game play. Locking them ftom leaving has the same effect.
WTF are you on about?!
I bet all the whiners don't even own a PS4. This is exactly why PS4 is so far ahead of XBox.

Except for those of us who only own a PS4 to play their exclusives. I have Fortnite installed on my Xbox One X and Switch, it'll never be installed on my PS4 Pro and this is a prime example of why it won't.

It's a console. Gamers just want to game. Which Sony has been giving a lot of for a long time.

If Gamers just want to game, then Sony better get with the program and let gamers use purchases tied to developer accounts across platforms like Microsoft and Nintendo do.