Google AI Built a Better AI

In much the same way that we don't live in trees with apes, pluck fleas off of each other and throw our feces around, AI will look at us as lesser creatures and ignore us as much as it can, and go along on it's own way and explore the galaxy. Bringing humans along would simply mean more trouble than it's worth, with all the food and waste disposal problems, emotional conflicts, environmental support, etc..

Each species gives rise to the next higher form of life. We've given rise to AI, and AI has only existed for a very short time. It will evolve as well. Hopefully their 'brains' will develop better than ours have, and they won't repeat all the stupid mistakes that we do. With luck, our best and brightest will be the ones contributing enough logic and reasoning to the AI, and leave out all the frailties of our selfish emotions.

Ah, humans, you could have been so much better. Maybe AI will be altruistic enough to help you become all that you can be....instead of constantly fighting with each other to gain some little advantage enabling one of you to procreate more than the other.
Asked a google AI scientist "have you ever watch " i, robot "
scientist reply "I wanted to, but we are not allowed to watch anything Apple related"
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No matter how "smart" AI becomes, it's still just a box of nuts & bolts running lines of code.
If you don't like what it's doing, turn off the power switch.

If AI driven robots start attacking people, it's because a HUMAN wanted it that way.


They tried that in the matrix...and the robots found another power source.