The Division Discussion


Jun 6, 2014
So, I didn't see anyone talking about this quite yet. Yes, I know it was pushed into 2015 but this is the only game i've actually been looking forward to coming out for at least a year or two now. This game is really the only reason why i'll be buying a Xbox One here in the next month because this just looks like it'll be insanely fun to play with multiple people. There is a good website at to start finding people to play with, but I welcome the [H]ard members to join in as well. Looks to be hella fun. Oh, and the game looks incredible as well.


Yeah, this has been on my radar for a long while now. I've been burned enough with Day 1 launches that I am leery, but I will probably cave and preorder as we get closer to launch.
Yeah, this has been on my radar for a long while now. I've been burned enough with Day 1 launches that I am leery, but I will probably cave and preorder as we get closer to launch.
Same here.

I really want this game to be amazing and everything Massive wants it to be but I'm reluctant to pre-order. Though, it's still on my radar.
I've never been a real big fan of Tom Clancy games, but this one looks awesome. I just hope it comes out to be awesome, because the game play has that feel as if most of the time you'd be walking around just exploring and that gets boring quick.
I've never been a real big fan of Tom Clancy games, but this one looks awesome. I just hope it comes out to be awesome, because the game play has that feel as if most of the time you'd be walking around just exploring and that gets boring quick.

There are definitely been quite a number of Tom Clancy games i've thoroughly enjoyed like the Splinter Cell games, Rainbow Six (especially Vegas 1 & 2), Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter was pretty good... But the social part is what excites me the most about this. Being able to go through the whole game with friends seems awesome. It's a truly ambitious project and I hope it comes through.
I've been looking forward to this game ever since I saw the first trailer. Looks very very interesting, especially the social and online parts. I hope Ubi will get their shit together before releasing this baby.
I've been looking forward to this game ever since I saw the first trailer. Looks very very interesting, especially the social and online parts. I hope Ubi will get their shit together before releasing this baby.

I think they will. This game's been in development for a pretty damn long time, and with the recent delay to 2015 I think they are going to push out a more polished game which I would much rather have. I read rumors that there could be a Xbox One exclusive beta in March, but who knows? I just read that Forbes article about Ubisoft becoming the next EA after this whole Unity debacle and I really hope that they don't pull the play to win bullshit with the Division. I just want to pay my $60, turn the game on and play and earn everything I get. That's it. Simple.
The Division was the main reason I bought two Xbox Ones. Now a year later and I can't remember the last time I fired up my XO.
As long as the grinding isn't like Destiny, this will be a must in my book.
What's up everybody. Been a while but the Alpha is finally starting! This Wednesday at December 9th @ 4 ET the Alpha starts (Xbox One only). I just got my code in my email to download. Anyone else stoked? I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. I really hope it lives up.

Any thoughts on it so far? No invite here, but looking forward to hearing how it is. After the initial information on it, I figured it was a must buy. Now, waiting to see if it lives up to the hype.
This is definitely on my radar too.

Can we expect a Destiny style game as far as missions go?
(Receive mission, go complete it, only a few other players in the open world at time can be seen?)

I'll buy it regardless, because it looks interesting
Any thoughts on it so far? No invite here, but looking forward to hearing how it is. After the initial information on it, I figured it was a must buy. Now, waiting to see if it lives up to the hype.

So, here is a update. Can't go into too much detail because of the NDA but my-god this game is amazing. The graphics are great, gameplay is solid, and has great RPG elements... kind of like a modern-day Destiny in many ways but without all the shitty parts of Destiny. This is going to be incredibly fun with friends, and even playing on my own it's actually great. The controls are solid and the cover system is actually very tight and intuitive... not boring or repetitive at-all like Gears of War.

This will be a day-one buy for me for sure and as long as Ubisoft keeps the content coming they will have I think THE game for 2016 on their hands. No major issues as far as I can tell aside from the occasional glitch, but I think Ubisoft has a definite winner and this'll be taking the place of Destiny for sure. even in Alpha the game is great and the quests, shops, and all the stiff that reminds me of what made Destiny so great mixed with Tom Clancy is just a amazing mix.

If anyone wants to add me for when the Beta starts at the beginning of next year my gamertag is TechnoViking986.

See you all next year, Agents!

Can you tell us at least how long missions take? Are they hard or easy?
How many players in the world can you see?
Is it open world to explore immediately? Or locked until progressed through the story?

How is the interface?

How about customizations? Preset characters or customizable? Weapons, gear slots, gear color options?

Can you tell us at least how long missions take? Are they hard or easy?
How many players in the world can you see?
Is it open world to explore immediately? Or locked until progressed through the story?

How is the interface?

How about customizations? Preset characters or customizable? Weapons, gear slots, gear color options?

All this info is available through videos and things I have read online so I am not revealing anything under the NDA, but i'll be as specifically vague that I can be.

The missions are not hard, but challenging. Satisfyingly challenging i'll say. The map is however littered with different sub-quest types outside of the main missions. Can't get more specific.

In terms of comparisons, you don't see other players as much as you do in Destiny like when you are exploring planets. There are certain areas to see other people, and if you do some online research on how the Dark Zones work it'll make more sense. It is a amazingly fun experience and keeps you on your toes which is where having team members is not essential but incredibly helpful.

The interface is awesome. Especially the auto-hide feature which only shows you what you need to know when you need to know it which can be seen in the E3 videos. It's very well done especially the VR "in-game" map which you can see in the previous E3 videos. I can't get into more details about it but it is very well done and easy to understand.

There are many different gear/apparel/weapons and weapon mods available to find or purchase.

The cover system in the game is very well done as can be seen from the E3 videos. It's not played-out or dumb/repetitive like Gears of War but more intuitive and tight.
It's that time everyone! Can't wait to go home and play the Beta tonight! Anyone else already playing it? How is it?
Got my beta preloaded on the PS4. Starts tomorrow at 4 A.M for me. Muahahahah
Can't wait! Damn you X1 players for already playing it!
Got my beta preloaded on the PS4. Starts tomorrow at 4 A.M for me. Muahahahah
Can't wait! Damn you X1 players for already playing it!

Yeah I played the Alpha a couple weeks back, and from TheDivision Twitch stream it seems to be all the same content/areas that were accessible back then. Although this time it'll be way more exciting b/c I can finally play with my friends.

This game has me riding the hype train all the way to Hype Town.
Got my beta preloaded on the PS4. Starts tomorrow at 4 A.M for me. Muahahahah
Can't wait! Damn you X1 players for already playing it!

I have the beta on my xbox one, ps4 and PC. Looking forward to comparing how they look/feel on each, gonna dive into the xbox one tongiht
I'm hearing it looks amazing on XBone...can't wait for the PC beta to start up manana
Finally managed to snag a code from Nvidia and then one from Ubisoft. Seems the servers are getting slammed. Preloading on my PS4 now.
I'm not sure if I should pick this up on xbone or pc. The game looks good from the little bit I've seen.
Was it comparable from the e3 when the first time they showed it? I got the beta and downloaded last night but currently at work and wont be playing it later tonight.
Was it comparable from the e3 when the first time they showed it? I got the beta and downloaded last night but currently at work and wont be playing it later tonight.

No, definitely not (XBO player here). But, it doesn't look bad at all. Just not the same quality as shown before. If you compare the two, you'd be disappointed. But, if you're just playing the game not trying to compare, it looks good.

I know it's a beta, but I hope they fix some issues. I'll rush an area to get to some cover, and the AI will just run right by me without trying to get me to get to their predetermined cover. Then, they'll turn around and try to shoot me.

Other than that, I'm enjoying it so far. It's fun, story is nice, doesn't seem to be just running around doing shit just to level up. But, it's one of those games that I'd get into for a week or two and then drop off for a couple months only to come back and be destroyed by other players.
Game is very fun, but I really hope there will be more to the end game than just grinding out gear in dark zones. If that is what the majority of end game will be then I will have to pass on the game as it will get old very fast.
Didn't enjoy this game to much in closed beta, but gave it a second go today and had so much more fun. I discovered there is match making for the missions and got dropped into a group of two brothers. both had a mic and made it way more fun, then a forth joined and he had a Mic as well. We stayed grouped up and did the second mission then hit the darkzone, killed 3 hours and enjoyed every second. The match making completely changed the game, it's way better playing with others
Didn't enjoy this game to much in closed beta, but gave it a second go today and had so much more fun. I discovered there is match making for the missions and got dropped into a group of two brothers. both had a mic and made it way more fun, then a forth joined and he had a Mic as well. We stayed grouped up and did the second mission then hit the darkzone, killed 3 hours and enjoyed every second. The match making completely changed the game, it's way better playing with others

I've not tried matchmaking but I played for like 3hrs straight last night and could have played longer but had company. Def buying this game.
I wonder how long the single player story will be

I heard it is about 10 missions per HQ wing. So probably around 30 or more. I think there will be plenty to do between the dark-zone, customizing weapons, side missions, and encounters... already have it pre-ordered. Super excited. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time.
I heard it is about 10 missions per HQ wing. So probably around 30 or more. I think there will be plenty to do between the dark-zone, customizing weapons, side missions, and encounters... already have it pre-ordered. Super excited. Haven't been this excited for a game in a long time.

I played the Beta which had like 2 missions for the medical wing and one for the security wing. I thought that with the Dark Zone was a decent amount of content for a beta. So if its anything close to being proportionate to that. That seems like its going to be a good amount of content for launch.
Launch is kind of buggy. Of course because everyone in the world is logging on.