SR-2 Questions


Jan 10, 2003
Got it up and folding this weekend. After overclocking to 3.1ghz (dual L5639 chips). The results have been disappointing....

First problem! According to HWMonitor CPU0 is running at 68C while CPU1 is running at 43C. The fuck? I think it's more of HWMonitor bullshitting me. CPU1 seems wwwaayyy too cool. Both CPUs are being cooled by H80 naked. I've reapplied the thermal paste. Reseated the cpu. Nothing seems to work. HWMonitor reports CPU0 at 68C and the board LED also reports CPU0 at 68C. So HWMonitor seems to be working for CPU0.

Second problem. First WU points output was rather....disappointing. 10,000ppd, I'm using the webclient though, so i think this is the problem. What client should I be using?
We've seen a handful of 1366 chips with borked sensors so if you're sure you did a good job,
I wouldn't worry about temps.

To get max out of SR-2 (I'm estimating no less than 120k PPD worst case) you should
probably make it a dedicated Linux folder and fold BA units.

Two approaches are available:
- -- guided Ubuntu install
- -- Ubuntu folding appliance
We've seen a handful of 1366 chips with borked sensors so if you're sure you did a good job,
I wouldn't worry about temps.

To get max out of SR-2 (I'm estimating no less than 120k PPD worst case) you should
probably make it a dedicated Linux folder and fold BA units.

Two approaches are available:
- -- guided Ubuntu install
- -- Ubuntu folding appliance

1. I'm a little confused by this though. I took the temperatures of the radiators and there's a 6 F difference between the two (e.g. water input at radiator for CPU0 is 81F while it's 87-88F for CPU1). It seems like CPU1 is making better contact with the chip somehow, despite being installed in the same exact manner. Does 43 C seem too low for an overclocked chip?

2. I'd like to keep it windows, can i get similar PPD on windows or not even close?
Re #1
Not sure. I haven't done any water cooling but 43 C at load (from observation of other WC systems)
doesn't seem too low to me. I'd solicit input from other folk on this one though.

Re #2
BA (big-advanced) WUs are only available for Linux clients. If you want to keep your host system
running Windows, your best bet is virtualization and running a Linux VM.

Are other, non-folding tasks, the reason the machine needs to run Windows?

The reason I ask is because we've put a lot of work to make dedicated Linux folding as painless as
possible. In case of issues we're available here and on IRC, too; so, if the Linux itself is a concern
we'll be happy to assist in resolving any issues you may run into.
I get about 180,000 PPD on my SR-2.

It is not running right now because I need to replace a fan.
I'm getting 175k on my 3.1Ghz l5639s and I could not get better overclocks.

Sensor reports my temps as 1 core is 59 all the way up to 73C.
I'm using 212+s and in aa case.

To keep windows you'll be best to run Vbox and a ubuntu guest.