Has DayZ improved?

Slampocalypse Now DayZ: [100 Vehicle][GMT+10][SIDECHAT][3D:ON][CH:ON][SERVER ROLLBACK][START W/TENT & WEAPON][ACTIVE ADMIN][SAN JOSE, CA] . It is back to a regular server as some could not figure out Rmod also 24 hr daylight

Just found another helo and got banned again. Avoid this server if you like to actually have stuff.

Admin abuse blows, too bad its ruining an otherwise good server.
Hey wizdum just pm you. Sorry to hear about what happened on the server. Get this figured out though once you respond.
That looks awful, and completely unrealistic, a central theme of DayZ (or at least it tries to). The worst part was when the zombie without a shirt bit him from behind. What the hell?

The animations seem pretty solid, other than that, for this kind of game. Not for the DayZ type of game though, IMO at least.

There's nothing "realistic" about zombies in general, so Day Z should just not call them zombies then.
Just found another helo and got banned again. Avoid this server if you like to actually have stuff.

Admin abuse blows, too bad its ruining an otherwise good server.

If there are any admin here that are familiar with DayZ.ST servers, then they know there is not a Helicopter spawn at Prud Pond (On DayZ.ST servers). They also know that players can be tracked in real time and all vehicle spawns are listed on the control panel map. This is a powerful tool that can be abused by an admin, so we do a thing a buddy and I call cross-server admin. I play on his server, and he plays on mine so that admin tools can not be used to our advantage. Abusive, I think not. I encourage you guys to find a helicopter, but it is my duty as admin to ensure that you obtain them legitimately. I'm here to protect the players on my server, and it is my job to ban people that can ruin the gaming experience of other players by using any type of scripting etc. This is what happened, you guys can determine if this is admin abuse or not.

I initially banned Ripther for suspicion of spawning in a Mi-17 in an area of the map on our server that doesn't spawn one. I wasn't certain (he could have found the vehicle another scripter left) so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. His buddies pleaded his case and I lifted the ban and let it be.

A few days later I see him (Ripther) on again, and headed to the same spot near prud pond. Magically another Mi-17 is spawned there inbetween resets (vehicles only spawn after resets), this time he was the only person on our server that was in that location and the fact he didn't check any of the other helo spawns he was closer too earlier looked suspicous. This time I banned him permanently.

Wizdum was not banned from our server, I only kicked him after many warnings for using profanity, and bashing the admin over side chat. They were grouped with another two players name DJ| Sleepster and Stormrc. Stormrc who was banned for teleporting across the map killing all of the players which killed our population.

I was suspicious of Stormrc when he started finding all of the player bases and running directly to them. He took one of the helicopters from someone's camp, and picked up his friends (DJ|Sleepster and another I can't name atm) They landed at a player's camp that was on line. I guess the player heard the Helicopter and hid and ambushed them killing two of them, and leaving Stormrc. The guy that got killed complained that Stormrc teleported behind him. I then watched Stormrc teleport to different parts of the map killing the remaining players on the server, and repeatedly killing the player that killed his team wherever he spawned on the shore. If these individuals are complaining about our server they are just angry because they got caught cheating, I will supply their GUIDs so that other admins can ban them if they choose.

Ripther 61add82ecbae608e8b578a42f0b5d5fc
Stormrc dc5fb2d228946991be8e65e053785d52

I feel that I was well within my means to take the action that I took. I actually think that I was more than fair with these individuals, and that Wizdum should have been banned for his profanity. I decided to let him off with a warning, because at the end of the day cheaters ruin the game, not foul mouths. Here is a video link to show you how admin control on a DayZ.ST server works, I hope this will shed light on why I know that helicopter was not legitimate. And Wizdum, I believe that you are a legitimate player, but you should know that at least two of your teammates are not.

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Stormrc is a recent acquaintance, we're in the same clan. I don't know him very well so I can't argue for him either way. I was told by my friends that it was a ban, not a kick, so I was out of the loop when Storm found the camp. Is it possible he spawned the helo?

Ripther went to that spawn point because we told him to. We had already checked the other two airstrips for spawns. He is the only one of us that can actually fly a helicopter, thats why we have him stay near them. I still don't buy that Ripther is a hacker. We primarily play on a private server, and he has never shown any evidence of it. We've been playing DayZ for nearly a year, and only ever found 2 helos. He's been in many situations where he could have gotten away with a little hack, and actually has pretty crappy luck when it comes to staying alive. I just spent 4 hours on our private server finding and repairing a motorcycle so I could drive 13km to him and give him a morphine shot. It just doesn't make sense.

Either way, its up to you, and I wont be spending any time on a server that my friend can't play on.

And yes, I was kicked (though I was told it was a ban) for being an asshat. I figured there was no point in putting time in on a server when my friends can't join me, so I thought I would test your limit. Took longer than I thought it would, I was running out of material.
Wizdum, I hope you can appreciate my standpoint. I used my judgement to protect my server population. Most scripts now can be done outside the game rendering battleye useless. Whenever some suspicious circumstances occur, I have to act. I can tell you for a fact that Stormrc is a cheater and is most likely the person who spawned the helicopter. After you left he didn't even try to hide it, he was teleporting all over the map. I witnessed it in real time, and it would be who of you to let your clan know so he doesn't tarnish their reputation. I will lift the ban on Ripther, if he is unlucky as you say he might of just got caught up in bad circumstances that Stormrc created for you guys. Check Skalisty Island, there may or may not be an Mi-17 there.

I also emptied your inventory since you were grouped with known hackers to cleanse you of any items that may not be legitimate. Since I believe you, I will restore what you had. Just let me know ingame if you decide to come back
Yeah, I can see how that would look suspicious from your perspective. From ours, "friendly" people we saw on the server kept telling us that the reason we couldn't find any helos was because the admin has them all in a large camp somewhere. Then we find a helo and get banned. From our perspective, that was suspicious. We figured that meant the people taking the helicopters didn't know about that spawn, so we checked it again.

My inventory probably didn't inspire much confidence. I had an AS50, G17, GPS, and NVGs (finally find NVGs, and its on a server without a night cycle, FML). The G17 was entirely out of ammo and the AS50 was down to using 2 or 3 M107 mags IIRC. Ripther got himself knocked out by zombies at the north west airfield, and I blew all my ammo trying to save him. I was not successful. If you can look back that far in the logs, we met him somewhere in the middle of the map to give him his gear back.

Doesn't matter anyway, finding stuff is half the fun of DayZ.

EDIT: Heres a link to Storm's DG profile: http://www.deadlygaming.com/forum/index.php?/user/1998-stormrc/.