Dry Ice + Soap + Wig = Super Bubble!

I was anticipating a big climatic explosion.... in fact i didn't even press fast forward...

I wanted a mushroom cloud really bad, Oh well

What happens if you drop the soap in the water like he says not to?
The whole time I was thinking "she's gonna blow!!!" and... well, watch the video. :D
do this on the space station and i think we have a lot better youtube video.
I have a hard time understanding what he said at the start of the video:
"..... really fun..... can do with dry ice"
Dip a straw in some soapy water then blow smoke in from the other end. You get the same effect when it pops except this bubble floats around first. :D
You can do the same thing with your ass in the bathtub. You have to wear a swimming cap though.
Dip a straw in some soapy water then blow smoke in from the other end. You get the same effect when it pops except this bubble floats around first. :D

Or, a huge draw off your favorite smoking appliance blown into the wand of Wonder Bubbles. Me and my brother in law amazed my nieces for about an hour like this one day.