Same Project, run, clone and gen?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 10, 2006
I was having trouble getting the virtual machine to work on my workstation, so I copied the virtual machine from my server. I waited until the server finished a WU and sent it in, then I stopped the vm and copied the files over. Then I started them both at the same time and they both picked up Project 2605 (Run 6, Clone 113, Gen 19). Is this bad that it is exactly the same, or am I being paranoid?

Theoretically possible, as stanford processes the WU's upto 3 times each for verification (sometimes a bad OC can return incorrect numbers).
It's bad. What you have done is copied (duplicated) the machine ID from one computer to the other. You are now crunching the exact same WU twice and you will only get credit for one.
Because you copied all the config data straight from one box to another, Stanford thinks its the same box.
When your second box asked for work, Stanford thought you had suffered a EUE and resent the WU out.
As Killer said, you will crunch the second one for zero points.

You need to stop one client.
Start it with the -config switch.
In the advanced section change the machine ID to 2.
Use the -configonly switch if running as a service and then restart it.

Luck ........... :D