Recent content by Thrasha69

  1. T

    Amazon's Fire Phone Costs $205 To Build

    Common markup from manufacturer is x3 to msrp as far as I can see, does not surprise me.
  2. T

    Where Bungie's Destiny Logo Really Came From

    I fully support this image :)
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    Watch This Car Damage Demo By Bugbear Entertainment

    It's like a car made out of glass and breaking into shards
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    NSA Prefers Hacking Routers and Switches

    I agree, router n switches are the doors to curiosity :)
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    First ‘Hands-On’ Look at the PlayStation 4

    that looks like a 100 dollar controller there ugh
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    Fitting One Petabyte On A DVD?

    Farewell Blueray!!!! Welcome back DVD w00t :)
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    Microsoft Is Removing Xbox One DRM

    If this is true!?!? I am going to cancel my PS4 Pre-order and get the Xbox One now...This seems to good to be true, it's a complete 180 of what they marketed and are acknowledging defeat and the uprising roar of hate from the people!
  8. T

    Turn Water Bottles Into Alcohol Fueled Rockets

    Screw the bottle, I can totally see more fun in giving people a shock!
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    NBC Universal Warns File-Sharers of Criminal Prosecution

    Last time I checked, Comcast owns NBC..
  10. T

    An Open Letter to EA on SimCity

    My guess would be that what you're saying happened is it happened during Beta Diablo 3. They are talking about Final retail release that customers have purchased in hand. I had no problems playing D3 opening day and if so intermittent disconnects were rare.
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    Windows 8 Pricing Update

    Well I was just about to pull the trigger on the download of Win8 for 40 dollars until I found I have to get the Win8 Disk for 70 Dollars for 64bit version..Ugh:mad:
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    NRA Blames Video Games For Violence

    Yes it is easy to blame video games but I must say that guns have been killing people for hundreds of years. Earliest video games where created in what, the 60's or 70's?
  13. T

    Voice Activated Popcorn Launching Machine

    America's quest to get fatter and lazier :) Ugh
  14. T

    Apple Didn't Steal iPhone Design From Sony?

    I think we all know Apple has not invented anything that I can recall. They have only bettered, improved or made a more user friendly device that was inspired by other company's original device. Goes far back even to Macintooshie days
  15. T

    Consumer Internet Traffic Chart

    Ya china's the pirate king....Now in South Korea, their national past time is playing Starcraft1 and 2. ;)