Recent content by The Superlative

  1. T

    F/S: ASUS L3000 2ghz Notebook

    Noted, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  2. T

    F/S: ASUS L3000 2ghz Notebook

    and another.
  3. T

    F/S: ASUS L3000 2ghz Notebook

    bump EDIT: Bumps must be at least six hours apart unless you are specifically responding to someone. - Lethal
  4. T

    WTB: an older laptop (<1 ghz) or equivalent

    Not exactly what you asked for, but I have a 2ghz ASUS notebook onsale in this forum for $500 shipped w/ all the fixings -- the price might be right.
  5. T

    F/S: ASUS L3000 2ghz Notebook

    I am selling this great desktop replacement notebook that has served me quite well. I built a new desktop, and no longer use this notebook. This system would be great as a space-saving server or desktop replacement. I have kept it in very good condition. Asking: $500 shipped OBO Specs...
  6. T

    Front Panel w/ Audigy 2 ZS

    Has anyone successfully hooked up the Audigy 2 ZS with the Sonata front panel? I found a little diagram and it worked for my headphone's speakers, but the microphone doesn't work. Anyone know the correct pin placement for the mic?
  7. T

    A simple formula : Religion + Games = Funny Review!

    It is just an easy way to make a game more frightening. . . I'd accuse Id of a lack of originality, but not of being a satanic cult.
  8. T

    Day of Defeat : Source

    Umm, they are gonna make you pay for DoD:S, and if you didn't buy HL2 Silver, they'll probably make you pay a premium ($15 or $20 instead of $10)
  9. T

    A simple formula : Religion + Games = Funny Review!

    The review was fairly evenheaded, though a "christian rating" is a little much. I have seen much worse from more extreme Christian websites. Also, I snooped around and saw they just put up a Half-Life 2 review -- they gave it pretty good ratings: 4 of 5 christian rating (only slightly...
  10. T

    Is 6800 vanilla a waste for me?

    Nah, go ahead and get a 6800nu . . . hopefully it'll unlock, and then you'll have yourself a vid card that'll last you a really long time.
  11. T

    Your Newegg 74GB Raptor Rebate.

    There's a status tracker thing on the web if I recall... too lazy to dig it up, but it is on the rebate form (which is on the net somewhere).
  12. T

    Interesting quandry - PCI-E, 256MB, Dual-DVI and under 400, is it possible?

    If he can wait, he'd be best waiting until ATI lets the x850s out and all their pricing changes. Whether they actually will have supply that one can purchase, remains to be seen.