Recent content by Rooski

  1. R

    FS: Corsair TwinX XMS DDR PC 3200 (2x512mb)

    Bump from a ram shopper
  2. R

    bkizzle's FS/FT thread

  3. R

    bkizzle's FS/FT thread

  4. R

    FS: 1 GB (2x512) Kingston HyperX, Zalman CNPS7000A CU, Other Items

    Hello. Do you know if this ram will do at 200 fsb? Thanks!
  5. R

    Wedging a 800fsb cpu on 845?

    Well, My 3.0c will run just fine with fsb set at 100mhz (1.5ghz)
  6. R

    Difference between SL6WK and SL6WU

    I was looking at Intel's Spec Finder , and noticed that the SL6WK is a "Flip Chip " package, and the SL6WU is standard. Hmmm.... Has anyone else noticed this? I wonder which package is considered favorable. Anybody have any insights on this?
  7. R

    MUST GO!!! p4, mb, antec, sata hdd, coolermaster MUST GO!!!!!!

    Give us more info on the 3.0c. Specs? Overclocking?