Recent content by Mr_Superstar

  1. M

    Anyone here using XSLT?

    I use XSLT at work for two purposes (currently). 1 is to take an XML document and translate it into a PDF (using Apache FOP), the second time I use XSLT is to transform an XML document I received from a web service to translate it into xhtml to display it to our users. I find it very useful and...
  2. M

    Antec Sonata III HD LED?

    I figured it out. Unfortunately, my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. I installed all of the jumpers vertically instead of horizontal (or horizontal instead of vertical, depending on how you want to look at the board). The little tiny numbers on the motherboard weren't as clear as they...
  3. M

    Antec Sonata III HD LED?

    I have an Antec Sonata III case and I just installed the Intel Intel BOXDG33TLM motherboard. I just cannot get the HD LED to work. No matter how which direction I install the jumper the LED never comes on (and I know my disks are in use). Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Mr_Superstar
  4. M

    returning objects in C++ question

    Hi All, I've got a question about returning a std::string in C++. I have a function defined roughly as: std::string doSomething(std::string input) { std::vector<char> buffer(1000); ... return std::string(buffer.start(), buffer.end()); } As a java programmer, I've...
  5. M

    Bump in trackpad?

    I've noticed something weird with the trackpad on my macbook pro. I didn't think anything about it until I decided to search for it. My issue seems pretty much identical to this post [1] on the macrumor forums, except it's on the right side of my trackpad. For a while I thought it was in my...
  6. M

    Using Recursion to Add

    Nope, it just overflows...
  7. M

    Using Recursion to Add

    This is a very good point that no one has yet replied too. If lf + rt > INT_MAX (assuming signed int's, as in java), the result will overflow and return a negative value. Then, dividing by two will still result in a negative number. Using this as an array index will cause an...
  8. M

    java hw

    Have you learned about string concatenation or StringBuilder (or StringBuffer)?
  9. M

    java hw

    Well, depending on how you write the code, you'll either need a loop & a conditional statement or multiple conditional statements. You'll also need some way of building the final string.
  10. M

    java hw

    It looks like you are on the right track. Perhaps the language of the problem is tripping you up. You're not really "decrypting" the string, rather you're just pulling out some characters in certain positions of the string. Take a look at the String API [1]. Look for methods that deal with...
  11. M

    Java Servlet Question

    Sorry for the delay.. In Resin (from reading the docs), there are two directories that contains web applications. One is called ROOT, which is a special application that's used when you access "/" (or /index.(html|jsp) etc). Other web applications are deployed in the webapps directory. You...
  12. M

    Java Servlet Question

    Is this deployed as the ROOT web application?
  13. M

    Java Servlet Question

    I haven't tried this and I'm not 100% sure it'll work. But, you could try adding this to your web.xml <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>FCMS/PageView?name=index</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list>
  14. M

    Macbook Pro keyboard issue?

    I installed the keyboard fix a few weeks ago, but I still seem to notice an issue of dropping keys, particularly in iChat. I'll hit a key or two, and sometimes (randomly) it doesn't show up. It's not extremely frequent, but frequent enough to annoy me. Does this happen to anyone else?
  15. M

    Any ffmpeg experts?

    What message is it die()'ing with? Is ffmpeg in the PATH that your webserver is using?