Recent content by hopiamani

  1. H

    EU Fines Microsoft $731M

    My chromebook doesn't let me choose browsers. Should Google be fined too?
  2. H

    Do Your Craigslist Deals At The Police Station

    I prefer a bank. In my experience the buyer withdraws the money there. I take it, give the item, and deposit the cash back in. Everybody goes home happy, no temptation for shenanigans.
  3. H

    Is Old Republic the Most Expensive Video Game Ever?

    I think that dead horse needs another beating.
  4. H

    Is Old Republic the Most Expensive Video Game Ever?

    I like it a lot. And this is my first experience playing an MMO. It feels like I am playing Mass Effect but on a much larger scale. Whatever happens though, you have got to give credit to EA for taking risks. We wouldn't have innovation without risk takers.:)
  5. H

    8.921.2 RC11 AMD Radeon HD 7900 Driver

    The cards are listed with VGA Standard Return Policy which has no restocking fee. I ran into the same $82 so I called them and they removed the restocking fee.
  6. H

    Man Steals NY Federal Reserve Bank Source Code

    +1 Thank you, sir. And may I recommend to everyone: This is why I think a few econ classes should be required in college. Then less people will support crazy ideas...
  7. H

    This Is Why I Pirate

    Increasingly I am starting to view buying games as buying a service... Similar to how you buy a plane ticket which gives you the right to fly from A to B at a certain time, but doesn't mean you own the seat. 5 installs thats it, 1 flight thats it. I factor that into deciding what price I am...
  8. H

    What If The Internet Went Down?

    Which economies? No just-in-time industrial shipping: would inhibit productivity more than no email IMO
  9. H

    What If The Internet Went Down?

    If the internet blackout is permanent nobody would die in the short-term, but the world will be poorer and eventually population levels will drop. Before you say that is a good thing, remember that you will be poorer. So what is a use of clear empty highways when you can't afford that STI to...
  10. H

    AMD CrossFireX Drivers - Opportunity Lost @ [H]

    The OP never said they were doing it deliberately. Plus it doesn't matter if you are flipping burgers or designing the next Mars rover, you've been given a job and you should be able to do it well. If not, you should be trained up or replaced. If it simply isn't possible, then the company should...
  11. H

    What's Your Home Security Setup?

    3 vms Mint for general browsing & email, openSUSE for homebanking, and Ubuntu for.. umm "videos":D. All on a Windows 7 machine with MSE. I didn't install Chrome or Firefox on the windows machine to discipline myself, and hid the IE shortcut. If any of the the vm's start getting fishy I delete...
  12. H

    Link to get a virus/spyware

    For testing what purchases? More like for sending to ex-girlfriends! (tee hee :p)
  13. H

    AMD CrossFireX Drivers - Opportunity Lost @ [H]

    I was going to buy 2 7970s to replace my 6970, but then saw a CFX review on another website and saw the miserable BF3 performance which convinced me to hold back. Now I am glad I did. I can play BF3 on high on my Eyefinity setup with 1 card (around 35 fps). That will do. Once Kepler comes...
  14. H

    MPAA Blasts Anti-SOPA Blackouts As Dangerous Stunts

    The whole thing is just so disgusting. I swear to god I will never buy another DVD or download another song from Amazon again.
  15. H

    ME3 PC to require Origin

    +1 Have fun using your 2600K and GTX 580 SLI rig on games!:D I'll be busy finishing the fight with Shepard.