Recent content by CrunchSA

  1. C

    Digi Cam Poll: What Digital Camera do you use?

    I'm the proud owner of a brand new Canon 300D (Digital Rebel)
  2. C

    Just got a drebel today

    I know, * > 300D and all that crap. This is my first SLR of any kind and wanted to keep it under a grand. I'm VERY pleased with it so far. Of course, now I'm desperately wanting a lens with a bit further reach than the 18-55mm kit lens. Any suggestions? (other than $$$$ L series lenses!)...
  3. C

    What to do with old cell phones?

    There are many organization that will take old cell phones for donation. They give them to people for emergency calls (even a phone with no service plan can call 911.)
  4. C

    Torrents causing 100% cpu usage and loss of internet connection?

    I'll third the vote for Azureus. It's fantastic.