Recent content by benplaut

  1. B

    cheap stuff 4 sale!!!

    Can you please post photos of the unit itself? Let us see the wear and tear, etc. No offense, but I don't get a good feeling when I see "good working order" and nothing about physical quality ;)
  2. B

    What free games do you PLAY?

    Sure, there are a few threads on free games, but how about saying which ones were more than just a passing fancy? Games that you seriously play, because they're just plain great. For me, I'll start by adding True Combat: Elite. Total-Conversion Wolf:ET mod tactical shooter with a slower...
  3. B

    Any good PC games that are scary as heck out?

    We don't go to Ravenholm... (Actually, that's the only scary level :p )
  4. B

    The dumbest thing you've ever done on a PC

    I personally didn't do this, but I was there :D We were salvaging some old IBM workstations... boot off a wiper floppy, 2 passes, then put them in the donation pile. My fellow worker got to a machine where the inch-long floppy eject button was off center, and fell out. Knowing that the...
  5. B

    [windows] sabotage ideas

    idiot test: make a loop that continually opens cmd's in fullscreen. Not hard to get around, but an interesting first test for them :P Open random dlls in your favorite editor (Resource Editor, etc), and delete occasional characters.
  6. B

    Vista is getting an undeserved bad rap

    Finally, Linux and Windows [Vista] have something in common!! :rolleyes:
  7. B

    Notepad++ like editor for Linux

    woops, i stand corrected. I guess I haven't used bluefish in a while :eek: Since I used to love it as a web dev environment, I guess I now wholeheartedly would recommend it as a text editor :D
  8. B

    So, how did you convert to Linux?

    I had been reading about linux for a while (as much as a 10 year old could take in), but as soon as I was no longer limited to the family computer, my laptop became a testbed for windows power user stuff (age: 12) Not long after, I decided to dual boot with SuSE 9.0. I screwed up the dual...
  9. B

    Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty &

    probably ctrl_alt_f2, alt is sometimes grabbed. Sounds like your copy paste didn't exactly go in correctly, make sure it looks the same (formatting wise) as the text around it, and in the tutorial.
  10. B

    Notepad++ like editor for Linux

    That's purely an html editor. I would first recommend Kate for features, followed by SciTE and Gedit. Seriously, though... learn vi/vim/gvim. It's worth the steep learning curve, and quite efficient once you get the hang of it.
  11. B

    Movies you think should be games.

    Doom. Oh, wait...
  12. B

    Best Game Someone Dumped On You

    Shogo... why did this game die? :(
  13. B

    The "You told me so" thread regarding aquagate watercooling system

    Wow! That's a HUGE diff! Glad it all worked out OK... add the the small pool of satisfied aquagate owners :p
  14. B

    recommend sub $500 dollar computer

    yea, well you can't expect too much of power user features in a $500 gateway...
  15. B

    who makes a reliable notebook/laptop?

    I'm going to back up the thinkpad contingent, I'm on my 3rd (T60), and extremely satisfied with all of them! Ask around for friends-of-friends to see if you can get an employee discount--it's somewhere around 20% off.