Recent content by Alien10140

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    warhammer online, buddy key?

    I have a few buddy keys. Please PM me your email and I would be happy to pass them out to you.
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    [Project] Project Pegasus *Scratch Mod* (Stargate Atlantis DHD)

    HA! your quite welcome :D
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    [Project] Project Pegasus *Scratch Mod* (Stargate Atlantis DHD)

    Cumlative Update 2/12/2009 - 5/19/2009 First we would like to apologize for the long delay in between posts and production. We are both full time college students and have been dealing with massive final projects and tests that took all of our time and concentration. But its summer now W00T...
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    [Project] Project Pegasus *Scratch Mod* (Stargate Atlantis DHD)

    Cumulative update 8/20/2008 - 2/11/2009: This update is to catch everyone up to our current progress. So far we have shopped and bought 90% of the materials required for the project. We have also fiber glassed the boards and cut them for the bottom box. It may not seem like a lot but it takes a...
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    [Project] Project Pegasus *Scratch Mod* (Stargate Atlantis DHD)

    Materials: The main body of the case is made of wood and fiberglass. (More Coming soon) List: Lots of Fiber Glass 2 Part Epoxy A Big roll of Mylar Acetone Heat Shrink Tubeing A **** load of LEDs Wire Stripper Acrylic drill bit Electrical Wire Micro Switches Disposable cups, spoons...
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    [Project] Project Pegasus *Scratch Mod* (Stargate Atlantis DHD)

    The following is a collaborative work between myself and my buddy (Deadly Dragon). This is a scratch mod meaning the case will not use any major parts from an existing case. This is our first time attempting a mod of this magnitude and would love to hear any critique and/or suggestions that...