Lisa Su Saved AMD. Now She Wants Nvidia's AI Crown


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
She just might be able to do it too

“Beyond Nvidia lurk other emerging threats: Some of AMD’s customers have begun doing chip development of their own—a move designed to mitigate their dependence on the semiconductor giants. Amazon, for example, designed a server chip in 2018 for its AWS business. Google has spent nearly a decade developing its own AI chips, dubbed Tensor Processing Units, to help “read” the names of the signs captured by its roving Street View cameras and provide the horsepower behind the company’s Bard chatbot. Even Meta has plans to build its own AI hardware.

Su shrugs off concerns that her customers could someday be competitors. “It’s natural,” she says, for companies to want to build their own components as they look for efficiencies in their operations. But she thinks they can do only so much without the technical expertise AMD has built over the decades. “I think it’s unlikely that any of our customers are going to replicate that entire ecosystem.”

Su is in a good position to take a run at the AI chip market. But she knows well how quickly turnarounds can become downfalls. There’s more work to be done to ensure AMD endures: “I think there’s another phase for AMD. We had to prove that we were a good company. I think we’ve done that. Proving, again, that you’re great, and that you have a lasting legacy of what you’re contributing to the world, those are interesting problems for me.””


AMD absolutely has the resourses to create any cutting edge piece of silicon to meet near any market, even if temporary. Between GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs and the proven innovative soc designs I hope to see them activly advance technology for ai and other things. Much like nvidia has done providing many of the software solutions and accelerators currently tuned to the workload.
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AMD absolutely has the resourses to create any cutting edge price of silicon to meet near any market, even if temporary. Between GPUs, CPUs, FPGAs and the proven innovative soc designs I hope to see them activly advance technology for ai and other things. Much like nvidia has done providing many of the software solutions and accelerators currently tuned to the workload.

AMD could make a run at it sure…
But they are a solid decade behind in terms of R&D and ROCm is an absolute joke compared to CUDA. So AMD needs to put massive resources into both the hardware and software and they don’t currently have the manpower.
Outside bidding wars for TSMC space I can imagine it being a fully fun affair, duopoly (specially when they play nice of the price tag, release schedule, etc..) can be much better than monopoly in a world that government tend to want to break them.
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I'm pretty sure they didn't buy Xilinix to sit on their hands. Hopefully they take Nvidia down a peg or two in that market. After seeing what they've done with the consumer GPU market I don't have much faith in them outside of the CPU space.
I feel in many way the competition can be easier in something like this, big client do not mind going to arm with no legacy support for older affair, buyer that search a bit more and goes less with brand name.

Intel latest attempt to do show how complicated supporting thousands of DX9 to 12 games (apple way of doing it in a certain extent as well), so many people doing their own hardware versus nintendo-sony-microsoft delegate it when it comes to 3d card, feel like it is more open.

Competition will be hard and people will go for a specific workload that has big enough clients and be able to beat something that his build to run AI in generals.
She could resemble Jensen Huang's brother... :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Not technically "uncle" but still related: NVIDIA's Jensen Huang​

Technically, it is safe to say that Lisa Su's own grandfather is actually Jen-Hsun Huang's uncle. Although they aren't really niece and uncles, they are very close relatives. Jen-Hsun Huang (otherwise known as Jensen) owns a degree in electrical engineering and was a co-founder of NVIDIA back in 1993 during his 30th birthday. He still remains both the CEO and President up until today.
Navi 32 spotted:

Forbes had a chance to talk to AMD CEO and President Lisa Su about the past and future of the company. This video is actually not very fresh, as we are looking at content published on May 31st. What is important is that the b-roll footage embedded into this video shows a product that has not been announced yet, namely the Navi 32 GPU. This was discovered by Hoang Anh Phu

Based on leaked laptop gpu specs, Navi 32 is likely to have 3 SKUs as below

7800 — 60 CU 16GB ($550-$600) > 4070
7700xt — 54 CU 16GB ($480-$500) < 4070
7700 — 48 CU 12GB ($400-$450) > 4060 ti
Still no such thing as a AI chip, you would think they were creating actual thinking machines, when in reality it's still a calculator running a adapting software simulation.
That is extremely underwhelming. They have their new server chip, they claim the hardware is great, you can use it in the cloud and they "have models running" but haven't shown the models running, or any benchmarks with them, or anything real anyone has done with them.

I guess since it's brand new it's just a bunch of people saying they're going to use them. Just a marketing snoozefest.
Lots of talking, but they aren't saying anything.
Lots of abstract hand-waving and talking about partnerships, and things they will be doing together in the future.
This feels like a presentation to Wall Street Bro's, and not tech.
Lots of talking, but they aren't saying anything.
Lots of abstract hand-waving and talking about partnerships, and things they will be doing together in the future.
This feels like a presentation to Wall Street Bro's, and not tech.
That's the role of CEO.
Same PR formula every corp follows.. whatever. Although I must say - more realistic than Gelsinger.
Was a little bummed about the sw/rocm segment. Really light pr style presentation. Didn’t even mention if rocm 6 is Linux or windows.
Like every silicon valley CEO these days, I think Lisa was under some pressure to "just go out there and say something about AI, talk about the AI plan". That might be how it all started. The shareholders and board of directors stuck a gun in her ribs and said "get up onto that stage and do the A.I. or so help me god." The rest is history.

But I'd lay money AMD has some monster AI chips in the pipeline that they aren't ready to talk about.
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